Did anybody make it to this, and if so can you pass on any info or impressions?

Thurs, Dec 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. – The Longfellow Community Council (LCC)
will discuss future development of the Purina site (3801-3901 Hiawatha
Ave) The LCC invites you to meet and talk with developer Dale Joel,
who has an option to purchase the Purina site. Among the discussion
topics will be:
- What are the developer's plans for the site?
- What is the timeline?
- How will nearby residents and business owners be affected by this development?
- Are there special concerns of the community?
- How can the Longfellow Community Council work with the developer to
create a development that meets the needs of the community?
Hiawatha School Park Building (4305 42nd St. E.) For more info, call 722-4529.

Jason McGrath
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