You MUST resubscribe to get e-mail messages. There is a digest option with
the new software.

Here are the instructions again:

1) Go to the new HOME PAGE for the Minneapolis E-Democracy Forums:

  2) Click on the first link in the body of the page - labeled "Minneapolis
Issues Forum - Sign Up HERE!"

  3) Select: "Register and Join Minneapolis Issues Forum"

  4) Enter your FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, and E-MAIL.
     Push the - REGISTER - button.

  5) You will be sent an email with your LOGIN NAME
     and PASSWORD

  6) Then you can LOGIN to the site.

  7) We would encourage you to change your password to
     something you can remember. Use the YOUR PROFILE
     link in the upper right hand corner.

Once you have JOINED the list, you will be able to receive and post via
e-mail just like you do now.

You should see a welcome message on Thursday.

Don't worry about "unsubscribing" - we'll take care of that on the old
server software.

David Brauer
List manager

1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at If 
you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list.

2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

For state and national discussions see:
For external forums, see:

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn 
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