On 2011-11-18 14:29, IvankoB for-mse wrote:
> 1) the IDE icon has no transparency in Windows7 aero;

I have the same problem on 32-bit Windows XP Home on my personal laptop.
The IDE icon shows the flower on a grey rectangle. But that doesn't bug
me too much.

> Now is the time to adopt to Windows7 (and amd64) - eventually it'll
> become unavoidable :)

There are some work to be done, refactoring of units and shuffling of
directories, to "correctly" support 64-bit platforms in MSEgui. This
applies to both Windows and Linux platforms. It is pure luck that MSEide
works under 64-bit Linux, but I do remember submitting some patches
before it actually worked to a degree. As far as I know, I'm the only
one using MSEide under 64-bit Linux. :)

At a glance...

 - The directories inside lib/common/kernel/ need to be changed
 - ${Target} inside the IDE options needs to allow for 64-bit
   targets.   eg: I have to keep it at i386-linux even though I
   use 64-bit Linux. But I think this relates to the previous
   point too.
 - Debugging under 64-bit linux has a few problems. This will
   probably apply to 64-bit Windows too.
 - MSEide crashes at startup if I compile the IDE with 64-bit
   CPU optimizations.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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