
Congratulation for your new project:

Pcaudio lib is a **very** small audio-output library compatible with Linux,
FreeBSD, Windows, Mac OS and Android.

It is part of the espeak-ng project but, sadly, nobody answers to questions
about Pcaudio library.

So, it is a **excellent** news that Martin forks this interesting part of
espeak-ng and updated the code to make Pcaudio works even on old Windows

I did a Pascal wrapper for this library with a fpc sine-wave demo:

Martin did his own MSE Pascal wrapper too (included in 

OK, the presentation are done, time to questions:

In your Pascal wrapper, I do not see the "create_audio_device_object(device,
application_name, description: PChar)" method.
Is it wanted ? (By the way, I did not found any usage of the
"application_name" and "description" parameters in espeak-ng code).

I did not test the Windows pcaudio.dll yet, I will give my result asap.


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