Hello Med.

Nice to read you.

> How is it possible to clean automatically mseide unit from  unused modules
> in Uses clause.

Do you mean before compilation?

You may use a script and set it in Project Options - Make - Command before.

You may also use the -B parameter (re-build all), but it does not work each
time (old fpc bug forever), and better to use a script before to compile.

Or manually delete all the files that are in /units.

What is your OS?:

For Linux, IMHO, just do a script with something like that:

$ cd ./units
$ rm *.*

By the way, you are the professor MSEgui database, and I am very interested
by your advice about the new bridge of MSEgui.

I hope that all the MSE DB part is still working ok.

I did some tests, all seems ok, but you are deeper in MSE database than me.


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