Following readme.txt, here how to add new component in MSEide:
# How to add custom components to MSEide
There is a project 'apps/myide/mymseide.prj' as a demo.
Start MSEide, open project 'apps/myide/mymseide.prj', 'Project'-'Build',
the IDE with the new component 'tmybutton' will be compiled and
started in the the debugger.
Binary name is 'mymseide' (linux) or 'mymseide.exe' (win32).

If you wish to do it from scratch:

- Create a register unit for your components
  (see 'apps/myide/regmycomps.pas' for an example).
- Enter the unitname followed by a comma
  ('myregunit,' if your regunitfile is 'myregunit.pas') in
  a file named ''.
- Build the IDE with -dmorecomponents as option.

Component units integrated by this mechanism don't need to be GPL, see

If you want to add custom icons to your components:

- Convert 24*24 pixel BMP or PNG files with tools/bmp2pas to
  an icon unit ('*_bmp.pas').
- Add the name of the icon unit to 'uses' in your register unit.

You may also take a look at Leandro bgragui component,it shows how to do:


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