> And why do you need LLVM when using Pascal? 

Because LLVM does it much better for float calculation for example.

"Pure" fpc is ok for database applications for example but once you work
with animation, DSP, live sound effect, etc, where lot of float calculation
is needed, the result is much slower than using LLVM.

In my side, I am more interested with sound applications and multi-media,
and a fpc application cannot be fast as LLVM.

But, at the moment, LLVM has only a C module and I will be very happy if
there is a Pascal LLVM module, like mselang.

> How about .pas to ELF directly ? 

Maybe but the problem will be the same as using fpc, how will you do for the
optimization that LLVM does?

Note that even Google has choose LLVM for his applications now and will
contribute to make LLVM better.


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