Hallo Fred van Stappen,

Du schriebst am Tue, 6 Jul 2021 23:01:55 +0000:

> OK, installed:
> $ sudo apt-get install xteddy.
> Nice (see picture)!

Yes. I know it.

> But XTeddy also use libXExt dependency:

Ok, so there's the same issue, hinting to a narrow that probabely cannot
be circumvented.
BTW, even XTeddy "suffers" from the "problem" that an X window manager
wnts to draw a frame around or at least a header bar above its window,
which _may_ be disabled by some configuration entry to it.

Maybe I might attempt to produce a Pascal translation of the shape.h
header if I can. I'll send it to you (post it here) if I succeed.
(It's just that that is not standing alone, it needs "a couple" of
additional headers that would have to be translated...)

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