Hallo Roland,

interestingly, I couldn't get my Email reader to directly create a
reply to your message. I had to copy the text and mark it as citation
by hand.

Vous ecrit au Thu, 15 Dec 2022 10:41:21 +0100:

> I would have liked to take a look to the modifications that you made,
> but I don't see any link to the ZIP files. 

Now that Fred put it on GitHub you can. But beware, it's not a complete
library, just the modified unit files. And you PROBABELY should make a
backup of those replaced at least, in case you ran into problems.
(BTW, it's all Linux only, no consideration to Windows, as I don't
HAVE that running.)

> And, if I may make a suggestion, why not use for discussion the
> "issues" of the GitHub repository? It is more handy IMHO than emails. 

No, not for my setup. I don't have to care for EMails or news group
postings (I obtain these messages as "fake" news postings via a
converting service named "gmane"), my machine does it all for me. And
as I've installed a local EMail and news server, respectively, I dont
need t expose my machine to the not really friendly environment of the
internet for longer than it takes to do the message exchange. I don't
do much "surfing" either, there are more interesting things to do.

> You could also fork the project and do "pull requests". It would be

I don't feel any need for that - I'm rather using mseide-msegui as a
mere (programmer) user, and the main project I use it for isn't really
very active any more...

> less work for Fred, and it would easier for all of us to watch your
> changes.

That would probabely be overdoing, as I'm not constantly working at it.
This "shadow" library was done to get rid of some annoying compiler
messages, and beyond that, I'm not very active at the mseide-msegui
project. Just maybe, possibly, I'll try to provide a slightly extended
set of dialog functions and forms, as time allows. Or something else,
if I get "side tracked" again...

Thank you for your consideration and attention,
I hope you can find the stuff useful after all.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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