Will these patches being going into GCC cvs?

BTW, other than these minor header file issues I haven't had any major issues with mspgcc4 on msp430F5437.

One small thing that snagged me...I had my interrupt routines in a file by themselves. Since the interrupts were not called from any other code that did not get linked to the final object file. Only by adding a dummy routine that I called from main was I able to get the interrupts to be linked in.

I'm guessing this is actually normal gcc behavior and not mspgcc4 specific, but just wanted to mention it.


JMGross wrote:
Hi Anthony,

you're right. TI has messed-up the port register names (or the positions). The 
first versions of the documentation listed them all in the wrong order, later 
revisions corrected this for the UCAxCTLy but still had them wrong
for the UCBxCTLy. This was when this header file was last revised. The latest 
documentation is finally right and so will be usci.h after your patch :)
I detected this myself while I was working on DMA support for SPI (and my 
discovery that the DMA registers are 16 bit access only, depsite of the docs 
defining _L and _H byte access subregisters, even made it into
this latest revision) and corrected my personal copy of the file, but I didn't 
publish a patch yet. So credits go to you :)


----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
Von: Anthony Asterisk
An: mspgcc-users@lists.sourceforge.net; msp...@grossibaer.de; 
Gesendet am: 16 Mrz 2010 02:42:03
Betreff: mspgcc4 usci.h error in definition of UCBxCTL0/1

I found an error in the usci.h modification for the 5xxx series.  The
definitions for UCBxCTL0/1 are swapped.  The UCAxCTL are ok.

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