Got a EXP430F5438 so I can eventually do far-memory work on gcc/binutils.
Verified the hardware and MSP-FET430UIF work by using Code Composer on
Windows to install and run the User Experience.  Now need this on Linux.

Using the current master of the mspdebug repository (ecccfb5), I get:

linux[19]$ mspdebug -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -j uif
Trying to open UIF on /dev/ttyUSB1...
Initializing FET...
FET protocol version is 20404000
Configured for JTAG (2)
Sending initial reset...
Set Vcc: 3000 mV
Device ID: 0x5438
Device: MSP430F5438
Code memory starts at 0x5c00
Number of breakpoints: 8

Displaying memory works fine.  But I want to load a small test program, and

(mspdebug) erase
uif: read error: Connection timed out
fet: erase command failed

At that point, I can't talk to the FET430UIF again until I pull and
re-insert the USB.  When I do, it appears that the flash has been erased.  I
can then use "load" to program a new application without invoking erase
again, but it's a bit inconvenient to have to keep unplugging the FET430UIF
between those steps.

Any ideas?



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