I've got an issue with using __delay_cycles() while also utilizing
TimerA interrupts.
It seems that __delay_cycles(); is not working if TimerA interrupts
are enabled. Even if nothing is done in interrupt routine.
Here is a sample code:
========== main.c ============
#include <msp430g2553.h>

// Timer A0 interrupt service routine (at top value)
#pragma vector=TIMER0_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A0 (void) {
    TACCTL0 &= ~(TAIFG); // clear interrupt  flag

// Timer A1 interrupt service routine (in the middle)
#pragma vector=TIMER0_A1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A1 (void) {
    if (TACCTL1 & TAIFG) {
        TACCTL1 &= ~(TAIFG); // clear interrupt  flag

int main(void) {
    WDTCTL = WDTHOLD | WDTPW; //halt watchdog
    P1REN = ~(BIT6); // pull-ups are disabled on pins 0 and 6
    P1DIR |= BIT6; // pins 0 and 6 are outputs
    P1OUT &= ~(BIT6); // pin 6 and pin 0 are LOW

    TACCR0 = 0x0fff; // set top value for timerA
    TACCR1 = 0x00ff; //set LED glow power
    TACCTL0 = (CCIE); // enable compare interrupt for TACCR0
    TACCTL1 = (CCIE); // enable compare interrupt for TACCR1
    TACTL = (TASSEL1 | MC0 | TACLR | TAIE); // SMCLK, cnt UP, clear, interrupt
    _BIS_SR(GIE); // enable blobal interrupts
    for (;;) {
        P1OUT ^= BIT6;
    return 0;
======== end of main.c =============

I expect this code to blink with a LED on P1.6 with approximately 1
second interval (no precise timing required). But all I see is the LED
just lit all the time.
If I comment out the line with _BIS_SR(GIE); the LED is blinking as expected.

What could be the reason? My guess is interrupt routine is somehow
spoiling registers used by __delay_cycles(). Is that true?
Would be thankful for a workaround if there is such.

I'm using msp430-gcc (GCC) 4.6.3 20120301 (mspgcc LTS 20120406
unpatched) from Debian repository to build code for TI Launchpad
MSP-EXP430G2 (M430G2553 chip).

Thank you!
Best regards,
Kirill Popov.

Other ways to contact me:
Gtalk: kirill.s.po...@gmail.com
Cell phone: +79052062619
LinkedIn: http://ru.linkedin.com/in/kspopov

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