Am 16.08.2016 um 08:59 schrieb MarkoC:
 > Next, I checked the TCK pin witn an o'scope, and found out the follwing:
 > The clock, when running, has a period between 4 and 9 us.

If you are referring to the parallel port JTAG; the original MSP430.dll 
as well as MSP430mspgcc.dll do not supply the flash clock over TCK. 
While the hardware supports that and a TI application note shows how to 
use that, it not the only way to do it :-)

The DLLs download "funclets" into RAM and execute with the clock of the 
MSP. There is a step where the clock is measured (counter funclet) and 
separate programming funclets that work with the adjusted clock.

 > But the clock is not continuous, it comes in bursts about 5ms long with
 > about 5ms pauses inbetween. In the pauses, TCK is sometimes high and

TCK is also used for regular JTAG operation.  I guess you won't easily 
decipher anything with a scope (unless it has a protocol decoder)

 > I guess, these clock irregularities might be the problem. Looking at the
 > MSP430x14x datasheet (SLAS272F, July 2000, revised June 2004) page 
39, the
 > requirement for "fTCK" is 0 to 10 MHz, which is OK, but the flash timing
 > generator should be 257...476kHz - I do not know how that relates to 

Desktop OS never supported precise timing on parallel or serial ports 
(control lines), so generating the Flash clock for the MSP430 was never 
an option (at least i'm not aware of successful software).

 > So, I guess I'll have to buy an USB based JTAG box.

or you can look at the BSL. the serial programmer is easier to use IHMO. 
you won't be able to "debug" (breakpoints, single step etc.) but you 
only need a serial port level shifter.

i think you mentioned an F149, that supports 4 wire JTAG (only) and BSL. 
however, if you use more recent parts (including value line), they 
mostly support spy-bi-wire, where a MSP430-Launchpad (~$10) is sufficient.


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