It’s based on the DP and the client being in the same AD site same with the 
subnet and yes this is still applicable. This is a preference ordering of the 
DPs associated with the boundary groups that the client falls into.

If the DPs are in different AD sites, then the clients will prefer the DP in 
the same AD site that they are in.


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Burke, John
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2017 9:34 AM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610

Is there any chance Microsoft has an updated flow chart that they are haven’t 
released yet?

I noticed it says AD Site in there right under subnet.   This is referring to 
choosing the DP based on the DP being within the same AD site or that AD Site 
being within the Boundary itself that is assigned to the DP?

I may be able to use aD Site to get force clients to pick the DP in their site 
as we do have an AD site for each of the regional boxes.


[] On Behalf Of Jason Sandys
Sent: May-03-17 5:30 PM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610

For the preference, no, I mean subnet. Just as is depicted in that older 
flowchart. The client will order all DPs in all of its boundary groups by 
certain things and the first is subnet.

We weren’t 100% sure on removing the DP from the secondary site server. I 
thought it couldn’t be done in a supported way and he thought it could be. I’m 
not sure which is the correct answer here. I now an MP can’t be removed. Never 
tried a DP though.


[] On Behalf Of Burke, John
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 2:35 PM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610

Thanks for the info Jason,

could you clarify these though, just so im sure?

  *   Since DPs in the same subnet are preferred, the remote DP could be placed 
in the same subnet as the clients at that same remote location. – You mean 
boundary Group here I hope? We have 1000s of subnets across multiple forests. 
The remote dp’s are in the same boundary group – but that has a few 100 ip 
range boundaries. 2007 we used to use AD sites but Microsoft told us not to mix 
and to go with IP Ranges now.

Remove the DP from the secondary site server and use an additional site system 
for the DP role at the same location as the secondary site server. – So  Dev 
confirmed this config would be supported? “You cannot remove the DP or MP role 
from a secondary site server (at least not in a supported way).”

[] On Behalf Of Jason Sandys
Sent: May-03-17 3:25 PM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610

So I just talked to one of the devs and he confirmed what I’ve said. Today, 
there is no way to separate the DP from the MP when specifying the site system 
associated with a boundary group. Thus, this is a shortcoming in the current 
design. You have two potential ways to address this scenario today:

  *   Since DPs in the same subnet are preferred, the remote DP could be placed 
in the same subnet as the clients at that same remote location.
  *   Remove the DP from the secondary site server and use an additional site 
system for the DP role at the same location as the secondary site server.

We talked through the scenario though and the dev understood it and why they 
can’t do anything else today. *Today* of course is a keyword here though and he 
feels that planned improvements in near future releases will address this. No 
guarantees and no specifics of course (as that’s all NDA).

As for documentation, you can suggest (and even contribute to) all of the 
current branch documentation hosted on

For lots more details and fun with boundary groups (more fun than fun with 
flags even) come to our session (Kerim and myself) at MMS on Boundary Groups.


[] On Behalf Of Burke, John
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2017 8:54 AM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610


I think Microsoft needs to get some updated documents similar to those you 
provided but updated.  The flow chart one would be fantastic.  I see now way to 
get it working properly  without throwing out the entire design.

So we did set up a secondary site because we wanted MOST of the traffic to flow 
to the secondary site.  That was the entire reason we went with a secondary 
site.  We then set up a bunch of DP’s  across multiple wan areas that we wanted 
to flow to that server (even though I know it sends a few things up to the 
primary MP Most traffic went to our secondary site)

So just before this update – we had 1 Secondary server MP + DP.  Then we had 3 
other servers setup across fairly well connected wans (Each in their own 
boundary group with 1 server + relationship)  that serviced a few 1000 pc’s.  
The Systems all used those DPs’ locally and the Secondary Sites Server was set 
up as a fallback.  This worked really well and when you went to the console – 
you could see all those clients withint that boundary group  was set to that 
Secondary Site MP.

Example – Atlantic Secondary Site Boundary group – 1 server no relationship  - 
all atlantic boundaries –ip ranges
New Brunswick boundary group – 1 server 1 relationshp to atlantic – NB Ip ranges
Nova Scotia boundary group - 1 server 1 relationshp to atlantic – NS Ip ranges
Newfoundland boundary group -1 server 1 relationshp to atlantic – NL Ip ranges

Now after the change it seems no matter what we do – the clients all show up 
with our primary site MP (and it seems all traffic around policy and inventory 
and status messages is going there)

When we created a new boundary group – added all the boundaries and added the 
Secondary site to that – then poof – we now have NO WAY to really control which 
DP the clients in those 3 other wans use.

That flow chart is nice and very clear but it’s also talking about the days 
when it all made sense – and we had Protected DP’s and so on.  If I could set 
that option it would be fantastic because I’d  just tick that off and it the 
clients would all be happy.  I can’t find any documentation that tells me it 
will prefer the DP’s in those  in the remote region boundary groups.

[] On Behalf Of Jason Sandys
Sent: May-02-17 4:52 PM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610

> “I’ve been told by our network folks that the clients are all going up to our 
> primary MP UNLESS we add the proxy management point – secondary site – within 
> the boundary group.”

Correct. Clients use a secondary site based upon content location boundary 

Site assignment has nothing to do with the use of roles within a secondary site.

Do keep in mind though that *all* clients must always be able to access an MP 
within the primary site whether or not they are part of a secondary site.

> ” This will likely mean all my regional boxes will end up also using it as a 
> DP unfortunately”

Not necessarily. I can’t find a specific reference in the [current] 
documentation, not that there isn’t one, I just can’t it right now, but clients 
do order DPs in the list returned from the MP based upon IP Subnet and AD Site. 
This is an older flowchart that depicts this:

You cannot remove the DP or MP role from a secondary site server (at least not 
in a supported way).


[] On Behalf Of Burke, John
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 10:01 AM
Subject: [mssms] RE: Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610

Short term I had to go to my boundary group for my secondary site and I added 
all those subnets.

This will likely mean all my regional boxes will end up also using it as a DP 
unfortunately Unless the clients somehow know to use the other boundary group 
DP they are assigned to because of the relationship pointing up to the 
secondary site server MP DP.

[] On Behalf Of Burke, John
Sent: May-02-17 10:25 AM
Subject: [mssms] Proxy Management Point and Boundary behavior post 1610


We upgraded from 1606 to 1610 to 1702 and trying to get a handle on the 
boundary changes.
I’ve been told by our network folks that the clients are all going up to our 
primary MP UNLESS we add the proxy management point – secondary site – within 
the boundary group.

We wanted to have systems in an area use DP’s in their local area first, and 
fall back to secondary site server DP for software AND go the secondary site 
server MP for policy vs going all the way to primary server.  That doesn’t seem 
to be happening though.  In order for us to have clients get policy and

We currently have an Assignment Boundary group for our Secondary site that has 
all the boundaries within it but NO site System count on it.  That has no 

We have the secondary site boundary group  that has no subnets or boundaries 
assigned, and no relationships.  Our MP has the DP role too.

Then we have our regional local DPs  with boundaries assigned and the local dps 
plus relationships to the above secondary site boundary group.

I was hoping this setup would allow all our clients in those local boundary 
group to use the local DP for all the software and go to the secondary site 
server MP for policy and only use the DP on that MP for fallback.

I figured maybe if we enabled preferrned management points but then we can’t 
specify oNLY use it for MP and not DP? DO we need to uninstall the DP role from 
our MP (not even sure you can do that)?

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