These are the last week news on MSX Scene. For the latest news,
or to know more about these news and its links, visit 
MSX News ( ). You can access it
using the alternative address too:

November 27, 1999 - 18:18GMT, @804, 3rd update
    - FudeBrowser 1.3 Correction! Ricardo Bittencourt released version 1.3 but it was 
broken. If your version is not
    working, try downloading again. 
    - the MSX page online again! Adrian Page and the MSX page are online again. 
    - MSX Talk Forum Updated! The are new messages on MSX Talk! 
    - New MSX Site! A new MSX Site called MSX OnLine is online! Take a look! Thanks to 
Marc Ribes for the info. 
    - MSX Games Are Back Updated! There is new high-scores for: Beamrider, Fire 
Rescue, Nemesis, Nemesis 2, Pairs
    and Thexder. Thanks to Philip Pera for the info. 
    - More MSX Jaś'99 Photos! Adriano Cunha presented us with three more Jaś photos. 
    - MSX Fair List Updated! The MSX Fair List was updated. A new fair has been added. 

November 26, 1999 - 15:10GMT, @673, 2nd update
    - FudeBrowser 1.3 released! Ricardo Bittencourt has just released the version 1.3 
of FudeBrowser. Now it has links,
    3D scroll bar and back button (backspace). FudeBrowser is a HTZ viewer. HTZ is a 
compressed HTML format
    developed for MSX. 
    - New AmiMSX on MEP! AmiMSX version 2.52 was released. The emulator and its source 
code can be downloaded
    at MEP. 
    - Recompiled MSX Games on MEP! There is a new recompiled MSX game for PC on MEP. 
The game is RiseOut.
    They had found Choplifter also, but it doesn't work very well... 

November 25, 1999 - 00:35GMT, @067, 2nd update
    - MSX Fair List Updated! The MSX Fair List was updated. MSX Jaś'99 removed. 
    - Maarten ter Huurne's MSX Computers updated! There is a new section on this page, 
called "CrossDev". The actual
    content of this page is the LHA-PMA for Unix systems. 

November 24, 1999 - 20:40GMT, @902, 3rd update
    - MSX Pro updated! The "bazar" section is now called "classificados". The process 
is now automated and you can
    post your announce at any time! 
    - MSX Talk Forum Updated! The are new messages on MSX Talk! 
    - Funet Incoming is Working again! The incoming directory of had some 
problems, but now they are
    solved. You can now upload files to funet without problems. 

November 23, 1999 - 23:50GMT, @035, 4th update
    - MSX Pro updated! There are news on the "Humor" section! 
    - New User Manual for Video9000! There is a User Manual for Video9000 on Sunrise 
page. Go for it using the link! 
    - Hypnotic City updated! Changed descriptions on Jigumo. 
    - G&T Internationnal Updated! Takamichi is back from MSX World Expo. He'd made a 
fix on the Stalled
    Translation page. The obsolete link to the Moon Light Saga site was removed. 
    - Konami Man page updated! The second release of NestorPreTter (0.2 alpha) was 
released. Some bugs corrected and
    a new feature ("~~") to reffer to the current basic line. It was also added a file 
with all NestorBASIC functions
    defined as macros for NestorPreTer. Also, a spanish version of the user's manual 
for NestorPreTer was added! 
    - Parn's Music Station Updated... 208 new musics for FM Pac (and compatibles) were 
uploaded! This is really worth
    of a visit! 
    - Generation MSX Offline! Generation MSX is offline for the moment. Sandy said 
that a new host was needed, but
    it was found. The page is being redesigned. So... Stay tuned! Thanks to Sandy 
Pleyte for the info. 
    - More MSX Jaś'99 Photos! Ricardo Bittencourt presented us with more Jaś photos. 
    - "Bad UZIX version"! Some days ago I announced that UZIX version 1.1.4 was out. 
This is not real. Actually,
    UZIX version 0.1.4 is out. You can find it at Uzix page (link). 

November 22, 1999 - 22:06GMT, @963, 2nd update
    - Recompiled MSX Games on MEP! Arnaud has put MSX games recompiled for PC and PSX 
on MEP. The games
    recompiled for PC are: Animal Wars; Antartic Adventure; Goonies; King's Valley; 
Knightmare; Payload; Ping
    Pong; Road Fighter; Sky Jaguar; Yie Ar Kung Fu; Yie Ar Kung Fu II; Zanac. The 
games recompiled for PSX
    (with MOD Chip - all brazilian PSX comes with one): Antartic Adventure; Road 
Fighter. For more info on
    running these games on PSX, visit this site. 
    - New Games on MEP! There is lots of new games availble on MEP. Go to MEP (link) 
so you can see the complete
    - MadriSX'99 Photos on Funet! The pictures taken on MadriSX'99 are now available 
on Funet. Take a look! 
    - MSX Games Are Back Updated! There is new high-scores for: A.E., Beamrider, 
ChoroQ and Gall Force. Thanks
    to Philip Pera for the info. 

November 21, 1999 - 14:05GMT, @629, 5th update
    - MSX Fair List Updated! The MSX Fair List was updated. Take a look! 
    - MSX 2000 Fair! If you want to go to MSX 2000 Fair, pay atention to this 

        On 15 Januari 2000, the first MSX Fair of the new Millennium will be held in " 
't Oude Theater ", Oss, The
        Netherlands. We certainly want to give you the chance to join in, because we 
still have some free spaces left
        for participants. If you want to come to the MSX 2000 Fair as a participant , 
just mail me and I will send you
        a subscription form and all necessary details.

        If you want to come as a visitor. Just mail me for an exact route description!

        Foreign participants/visitors can mail me for information about hotels and 
other places to stay.

        See you all at the MSX 2000 Fair!

        Raymond Hoogerdijk

        The MSX Fairlist"
    - My MSX Updated! I had updated My MSX page with my new MSX Audio information! 
    - ESE Artists' Factory Updated! The japanese page of ESE was updated. It seems to 
be something about MSX
    World Expo '99. 
    - New version of WOOM! The version 0.2 of Woom was released. The main news on this 
release are: PSG Sound;
    SCC Sound; Code Optimisation; Bug Fixes; New MegaRom Support. You can get all 
information about it on the
    emu section of MEP (link). 
    - More MSX Jaś'99 Photos! There is more photos at this site (MSX Core Club). Take 
a look! 

     []'s Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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