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Special Issue of the Machine Translation journal: Natural Language
Processing for Translation Memories


Guest editors:

Constantin Orasan (University of Wolverhampton, UK)

Marcello Federico (FBK, Italy)

Submission deadline: May 15, 2016

1. Call For Papers

Translation Memories (TM) are amongst the most widely used tools by
professional translators. The underlying idea of TMs is that a translator
should benefit as much as possible from previous translations by being able
to retrieve the way in which a similar sentence was translated before.
Moreover, the usage of TMs aims to guarantee that new translations follow
the client’s specified style and terminology. Despite the fact that the
core idea of these systems relies on comparing segments (typically of
sentence length) from the document to be translated with segments from
previous translations, most of the existing TM systems hardly use any
language processing for this. Instead of addressing this issue, most of the
work on translation memories focused on improving the user experience by
allowing processing of a variety of document formats, intuitive user
interfaces, etc.

The term second generation translation memories has been around for more
than ten years and it promises translation memory software that integrates
linguistic processing in order to improve the translation process. This
linguistic processing can involve tasks such as the matching of
subsentential chunks, editing distance operations between syntactic trees,
and the incorporation of semantic and discourse information in the matching

Terminologies, glossaries and ontologies are also very useful for
translation memories, by facilitating the task of the translator and
ensuring a consistent translation. The field of Natural Language Processing
(NLP) has proposed numerous methods for terminology extraction and ontology

Other ways of enhancing Translation Memories with information from NLP
components are to integrate Machine Translation and Translation Memories,
and automatically build and clean translation memories from corpora and
from the web.

This special issue builds on the success of the NLP4TM workshop organised
in conjunction with RANLP 2015 and the forthcoming second edition of this
workshop at LREC 2016, which will include a shared task on the cleaning of
translation memories. Authors of papers accepted at these workshops are
encouraged to submit extended versions for the special issue. However,
having a paper accepted at the workshop does not constitute a precondition
for submitting a paper for the special issue.

2. Topics of interest

This special issue invites original papers which show how language
processing can help translation memories. Topics of interest include but
are not limited to:

- improving matching and retrieval of segments by using morphological,
syntactic, semantic and discourse information

- automatic extraction of terminologies and ontologies for translation

- integration of named entity recognition and terminologies in matching and

- using natural language processing for automatic construction of
translation memories

- extracting and aligning TM segments from a parallel or comparable corpus

- construction of translation memories using the Internet

- corpus based studies about the usefulness of TM for specific domains

- development of hybrid TM and MT translation systems

- study of NLP techniques used by TM tools available in the market

- automatic methods for TM cleaning and maintenance

Note: extended versions of paper previously published at conferences and
workshops are likely to be eligible. Please consult us if you have any

4. Submission guidelines

Authors should follow the "Instructions for Authors" available on the MT
Journal website:http://www.springer.com/computer/artificial/journal/10590

Submissions must be limited to 15 pages (including references)

Papers should be submitted online directly on the MT journal's submission

http://www.editorialmanager.com/coat/default.asp, indicating this special
issue in ‘article type’.

5. Important dates

Submission deadline: 15th May 2016

First round of reviews: 15th July 2016

Resubmission of improved versions: 22nd August 2016

Final decisions to authors: 19th Sep 2016

Camera ready papers: 8th Oct 2016

Publication in Issue 3 of the Machine Translation journal 2016


Thanks & Regards,
*Rohit Gupta*

*Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, EXPERT Project*Research Group in
Computational Linguistics
Research Institute of Information and Language Processing
University of Wolverhampton
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