[Apologies for cross-posting]
*Call for Participation: WAT2019 Multi-Modal Translation Task*

The aim of this shared task is to allow studies of multimodal NLP for
Hindi, the world's fourth most spoken language. WAT organizing such
multimodal English-to-Hindi translation task for the first time using
“Hindi Visual Genome”, a multimodal dataset consisting of text and images
suitable for English-Hindi multimodal machine translation task and
multimodal research.


   - May 30, 2019: Release of Training Data
   - August 3, 2019: Test week starts, the release of source side of the
   test set
   - August 10, 2019: Test week ends, translations need to be submitted to
   the organizers
   - September 13, 2019: System description paper submission deadline
   - September 20, 2019: Review feedback for system description
   - September 30, 2019: Camera-ready
   - November 3-4, 2019: WAT2019 takes place


email: wat-multimodal-t...@ufal.mff.cuni.cz

Ondřej Bojar (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Shantipriya Parida (Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland)


Shantipriya Parida, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Idiap Research Institute
Rue Marconi 19, 1920 Martigny
Mobile phone: +41768238522
*http://www.shantipriya.me/ <http://www.shantipriya.me/>*
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