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*COVID-19 Information*: In case IJCAI 2020 goes virtual, the organizers of
this workshop intend to assure it will run virtually as well, as smoothly
and as lively as possible. The aim is to keep the community working and
keep sharing our discoveries.

First International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Narratives
(AI4Narratives’20) to be held in conjunction with the 29th International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-PRICAI2020)

Website: ai4narratives20.inesctec.pt


*++ Important Dates ++*- Submission deadline: April 23rd, 2020
- Acceptance Notification Date: May 20th, 2020
- Camera-ready copies: June 6th, 2020
- Workshop: July 13th, 2020

*++ Overview ++*
This workshop aims to bring together AI researchers and practitioners
working on the topic of Narratives, mainly for those working on NLP, but
open to other relevant inputs in this emerging area. We invite researchers
and practitioners to submit research papers, demo papers, position papers
and nectar papers.

*++ List of Topics ++*
Contributions on the following topics are welcome, as well as on other not
listed but highly relevant topics.

- Narrative Extraction from text, including social media.
- Narrative Understanding.
- Storyfication of non-textual data, including image, video, financial,
weather, sports and sensor data.
- Narrative formalisation and reasoning on narratives, including
representation formalisms and narrative  calculus.
- Representing Narratives graphically or in other forms of communication,
including infographics, cartoons, slide shows, video-clips, video-games,
- Generation of textual narratives, including narrative construction,
narrative creation, planning and problem solving for narratives.
- Narrative Temporal Reasoning.
- Bias in Narrative Generation.
- Applications of narrative extraction and generation, including media,
health care, science, sports, industry, business and administration,
education, recommender systems and XAI.
- Evaluation methodologies for Narrative Extraction and Generation.
- Related methods for narrative construction, including abstractive
summarization, reinforcement learning, transfer learning, and so on.

*++ Submission Guidelines ++*
We encourage the following kinds of submissions:

- Research papers (max 6 pages + references) with original work, promoting
and sharing exciting new ideas and fostering discussion or describing well
founded impactful applications
- Demo papers (max 3 pages + references) describing relevant tools
- Position papers (max 3 pages + references) describing relevant and
supporting points of view, including a description of ongoing projects
- Nectar papers (max 3 pages + references) with a summary of work published
in other conferences or journals that is worthwhile sharing with the

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through EasyChair (
easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ai4narratives2020). All submissions must be
in English and formatted according to according to the IJCAI format style (

Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the programme
committee. The accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published at
CEUR workshop proceedings (usually indexed on DBLP). We also plan to launch
a special journal issue on the topic.

*++ Workshop Format ++*
Accepted works will be assigned oral presentations and/or demo slots and/or
poster presentations.

*++ Invited Speakers ++*

*++ Organizing committee ++*- Alípio M. Jorge (INESC TEC; University of
Porto, Portugal)
- Ricardo Campos (INESC TEC; Ci2 - Smart Cities Research Center,
Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Tomar, Portugal)
- Adam Jatowt (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Akiko Aizawa (NII Tokyo, Japan)

*++ Proceedings Chair ++*
− João Paulo Cordeiro (INESC TEC; University of Beira Interior)

*++ Media and Dissemination Chair ++*
− Arian Pasquali (INESC TEC)
− Brenda Santana (INESC TEC)
- Shamsuddeen Muhammad (INESC TEC)

*++ Review Support Chair ++*
− Daniel Loureiro (INESC TEC)

*++ Program Committee (to be extended) ++*António Branco (Universidade de
Bruno Martins (IST and INESC-ID - Instituto Superior Técnico, University of
Daniel Loureiro (University of Porto)
Dhruv Gupta (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
Florian Boudin (Université de Nantes)
Georgiana Ifrim (University College Dublin)
Grigorios Tsoumakas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Joeran Beel (Trinity College Dublin)
Kiran Kumar Bandeli (Walmart Inc.)
Mark Finlayson (Florida International University)
Muhammad Pozi (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
O-Joun Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Pablo Gervás (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Paulo Quaresma (Universidade de Évora)
Satya Almasian (Heidelberg University)
Yihong Zhang (Osaka University)

*++ Contacts ++*
Website: ai4narratives20.inesctec.pt
For general inquiries regarding the workshop, reach the organizers at:
amjo...@fc.up.pt, ricardo.cam...@ipt.pt, a...@dl.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp,
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