A further question is, assuming I support the $ being optional in the language, which format should I prefer in example code?

Said "example code" comes in 2 main groups:

1. Normal example code, and for this I could potentially show 2 versions of everything side-by-side (or above-by-below), one in each format. If I have both, then which one should appear above/left and which below/right?

2. The routine signatures in the dozen or so documentation files that enumerate all the system-defined routines, where each documents its signature like this:

  function sys.std.A.B.foo (Bar <-- $baz : Baz, $quux : Quux) {...}

... vs:

  function sys.std.A.B.foo (Bar <-- baz : Baz, quux : Quux) {...}

... which look exactly the same as real routine declarations except that the "sys.std.A.B." is added for clearer documentation purposes.

In the #2 case, it would be messy to include both versions, so I would need to pick one, so the question is which one is better.

This, I am less sure about, so more input to help me decide is welcome here.

So, the question of whether $ sigils are more or less readable is controversial in the programming language community, while SQL, which Muldis D is primarily meant to replace, doesn't generally use sigils, except in some procedural extensions, while I personally find both generally readable but I prefer the sigils for slightly better readability.

On a tangent, it occurs to me that I could or should remove the purely-illustrative "sys.std.A.B." in the signature documentation so to make it less verbose and then identical to the real thing; the full name-space is still provided in the level-2 heading directly above the signature anyway; hence the question is:

  function foo (Bar <-- $baz : Baz, $quux : Quux) {...}

... vs:

  function foo (Bar <-- baz : Baz, quux : Quux) {...}

-- Darren Duncan
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