Phil Dibowitz wrote:
Unfortunately the DCU-11 cable that connects the phone is a USB to Serial converter, and the phone acts as a basic serial device taking AT commands.

Therefore multisync writes some data, and then tries a few times to write more data but fails and therefore gives up.

I managed to "work around" this by adding a "sleep" in obex_cable_write.

I was uber-conservative the first time and did a sleep(30) just before the close of the while() loop. This obviously took a very long time (sleep for 30 seconds after each write), but it WORKED! I've dropped it down to 5 and am recompiling now.

This is probably much less than an ideal solution, but hopefully it'll help those more familiar with the codebase come up with a cleaner solution.

Phil Dibowitz                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freeware and Technical Pages              Insanity Palace of Metallica         

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
 - Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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