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International Workshop on Multi-Scale Movement Technologies

WEBSITE <http://www.casapaganini.org/workshop2020/call.html> 


The workshop will be held on October 25-29, in conjunction with
<http://icmi.acm.org/2020/> ICMI 2020 (ACM ICMI 2020 International Workshop
on Multi-Scale Movement Technologies, held in Utrecht, the Netherlands). 


This workshop aims at stimulating submissions on novel computational models
and systems for the automated detection, measurement, and prediction of
movement qualities from behavioural signals, based on multi-layer parallel
processes at non-linearly stratified temporal dimensions. Contributions from
computational models, multimodal systems, experiments on the above mentioned
core topics, as well as application scenarios,including e.g., healing,
therapy and rehabilitation, entertainment,performing arts (music, dance) and
active experience of multimedia cultural content, are welcome.  



Specific topics include but are not limited to the following:

*     Multi-layer and multi-temporal scale automated movement analysis and

*     Cognitive models of segmentation

*     Multi-time multimodal systems 

*     Multi-temporal scale automated movement segmentation 

*     Multi-time models of entrainment and non-verbal social signals 

*     Individual and group motor signature 

*     Cognitive neuroscience models of movement perception and prediction 

*     Applications in therapy and rehabilitation 

*     Multi-temporal scale automated movement segmentation 

*     Applications in performing arts 

*     Applications in active experience of multimedia cultural content



Beatrice de Gelder <http://www.beatricedegelder.com/> ,

University of Maastricht 
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience 
Maastricht, The Netherlands 




- Paper Submission: August 27, 2020

- Notification of Acceptance:  September 17, 2020

- Camera-ready Submission: September 30, 2020



Contributions will be accepted in the form of long papers (8 pages) or short
papers (4 pages), or extended abstracts (2 pages) and will be selected
through a blind peer-review process. Authors will be given 20 minutes to
present long papers and 10 minutes for short papers. Abstracts will be
presented during a shared poster session with other ACM ICMI workshops. 

Each author is only allowed to submit no more than 2 papers. 
Authors are invited to submit via EasyChair at the following link:
<https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=msmt2020> EASYCHAIR > CFP >
For long and short papers, please follow the guidelines available at:
<http://icmi.acm.org/2020/index.php?id=authors> ICMI.ACM.ORG 
For posters, authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (2 pages max.
references included). 



-Benoit Bardy, Euromov, University of Montpellier 
-Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, UCL Interaction Centre, University College London 
-Mårten Björkman, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden  
-Luciano Fadiga, CTNSC, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia 
-Antonio Camurri, Eleonora Ceccaldi and Gualtiero Volpe, Casa Paganini -


Contact Information: Eleonora Ceccaldi,  <mailto:eleonoracecca...@gmail.com>


The workshop is partially supported by the EU-H2020-FET Proactive Project
GA824160  <https://entimement.dibris.unige.it/> EnTimeMent.


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