Surely every Hindu around the world must take pride a Hindu of Indian origin 
has become the CEO of one of the biggest financial institution Citi Bank in the 
world. But no one is looking at the other side of the coin that Vikram Pundit 
is the willing sacrificial lamb for the people who want to save their necks 
after doing biggest financial frauds with the less fortunate in modern history 
of America. 
  In 2005 when Vikram Pundit moved out of the shekels of organized legal 
criminals posing as Bankers and culture of corruption at Morgan Stanley; he 
gave an impression that he will create human & honest standards in the 
financial industry. But that impression was very short lived when in early 2007 
he along with his other co-founders sold Old Lane Partners the Hedge Fund 
Company they founded to Citi Bank for over $800 million. Vikram Pundit accepted 
a job at Citi which was like a promotion from small Mafia Morgan Stanley to a 
200%-300% bigger Mafia Citi Financials.
  One can draw a parallel with Ramesh Chauhan of Parle Group in India; who sold 
himself stock & barrel to Coca Cola in 1993 in a secret deal concluded at 
London for mere $60 million. At that time Ramesh Chauhan made a statement if 
you can not fight them; it is better for you to join them. It was the same 
Ramesh Chauhan who fought tooth & nail for 13 years to stop the entry of Coca 
Cola & Pepsi in India. He used to say we don’t need any “Foreign Expertise” to 
sell adulterated sweetened carbonated water to the Indian public. We have this 
expertise look at my Thumps UP & Limca and Charanjit Singh’s Campa Cola. For 
years Ramesh Chauhan regularly paid money to Indian media & over 150 Members of 
Indian Parliament to stall the entry of 2 Beverage giants in India. Even he was 
instrumental in delaying the launch of Pepsi in 1990 and forced them to enter 
India under a generic name “Lehar Pepsi” piggy back riding on state government 
owned Corporation Punjab Agro. In the end he was no
 match to Mafia Giants and could not resist the financial offer made to him by 
Coca Cola. One thing Ramesh Chohan has proved right India does not need Foreign 
Expertise for Cola drink; his brand Thumps Up is still the largest selling 
brand. Coke’s market share of 62.5% is really 28% if one take out the Thumps Up 
from their stable, the brand they initially tried to kill. Same thing has 
happened to Vikram Pundit he sold his soul to Citi so that he can also live 
like 0001 Club Members in a $17.5 million Penthouse to promote Culture of 
Corruption in NY City.
  It is very surprising Citi who under desperation sold piece of itself for 
$7.5 billion to Abu Dhabi and is besieged with massive high double digit losses 
20-30 Billions due to sub prime Pulse only Loans & and another 30-40 billions 
due to crafty debt derivatives, with share price down by 42% so far this year 
has chosen Vikram Pundit over some well known names in the industry. These are 
big challenges even for veteran CEO like Robert Rubin, Henry Paulson, Phillip 
Purcell let alone un-tested & in-experienced executive such as Pundit who has 
no experience in Citi’s core business which is consumer Banking. 
  Vikram Pundit is like a fire fighter with his back to the burning volcano 
“The Citi Bank” who in Feb-March 2007 along with fellow Wall Street Bankers 
told the Congressional Committee that every thing is all right with their 
Mortgage business and lending practices. There is no need for the brain damaged 
politicians to worry let the market sort itself out. Few reckless people who 
can not manage their finances or could not manage their mortgages and are 
living beyond their means should “become renters.”
  When the Bankers/Robbers realize there could be over 2 million Renters, came 
a statement Bankers are not “Lawn mowers”. Few unscrupulous idiots in banking 
Industry has made “Pulse only loans” to people who should not have been given 
any Loan in the first place. Government must bail out these poor home owners 
rather the Bankers from mowing lawns. Biggest beneficiary of Wall Street 
Bankers; Presidential hopeful front runner Democrat Hillary Clinton probably 
darling of Citi Bank also proposed a moratorium on mortgage foreclosures, a 
freeze on loan rates and assuming the Structured Investments of companies with 
sub prime loans by their parent Banks with Federal incentives. That is what 
Citi did 2 weeks ago by assuming almost $50 billion in Structured Debt which 
can not be priced at the expanse of their investors rather than bringing to 
justice those who are responsible for the Sub Prime mess and crafty debt 
derivatives. I am sure people like Robert Rubin, Charles Prince, Sir
 Win Biscoff and others who are responsible must have got $100 to $300 million 
in Christmas gifts for rescuing Citi from immediate disaster rather than being 
sent to maximum security prison.
  Federal govt has been forced by Politicians on behalf of their greedy Banker 
friends to act; something the FED might rather have left alone the mess in the 
financial and real estate markets. Politicians from both sides of the aisle 
especially Democrat controlled Congress forced FED into action. Partly because 
of FED’s own total failure to control & supervise the biggest Political 
contributors Banker’s and the big Corporations for their excessive greed and 
fear of recession with mortgage meltdown. This in turn can scare international 
investors away from whole classes of US Debt and complete chaos in securities & 
debt market with already falling domestic consumer confidence. Especially the 
Debt Derivatives which can not be priced by a common man only a con artist from 
Banking industry like Robert Rubin, Prince Charles, Henry Paulson, Jon Corzine, 
Vikram Pundit etc knows how to price them and what is the real value of a 
particular Derivative. So the industry agreed to freeze
 interest rate increases for 5 years select borrowers and FED in return agreed 
to help home owners coned by Bankers by expanding the role of Federal Housing 
administration, which insure mortgages for poor families. So far 35,000 houses 
have been refinanced under this initiative. Ultimately it is the US Public who 
is picking the tab for wrong doings by Bankers in knowledge of our 
congressional Leaders, who have sold themselves to Corporate America.
  This entire deal between Fed & Bankers rather than addressing market failure 
and the issue of accountability has put a thick blanket on what went wrong, who 
is responsible as well as who took all the billions stolen from the investors 
and home owners. This has reduced the collective-action problem and has created 
a legal cover of leniency for scoundrels with outrageous & inhuman pay packages 
& benefits. Some of them make over $17,0000.00 per minute and say if you 
increase the Minimum Wages from $7.00 per hour to $10.00 per hour it will 
create inflation while sipping wine costing $25,000.00 a bottle with like wise 
high society scoundrels saying “You are damn right Sir”! Wow either I am brain 
damaged for listening to this insane argument or they are brain damaged with 
$20 million to $350 million pay packages for making this argument. 
  Yester day another Robber Goldman Sachs the only company who is not touched 
by present Sub Prime & Crafty Debt Derivative mess announced $2.2 billion in 
Christmas Bonuses because of record $ 11.6 billion in profits for 2007 with 
$3.2 billion in Q4 only. This works out to be $ 6,61000.00 per employee 
(Analyst & Above) and its CEO Lloyd Blankfein will receive $ 87 million which 
is more than double what Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson got $30.1 million in 
2006 as CEO of Goldman Sachs and Jack Mack the CEO of Morgan Stanley $40 
million he got last week.
  I am a small Check Casher in New Jersey licensed by the same Banking & 
Insurance Department which supervises scoundrels making $20- $350 million plus 
perks. The only difference is that my fee is regulated by BID from $1% to 2% of 
the face value of the check (welfare or payroll) for the last 10 year. In the 
mean time my Bank Service Charges (Interest on borrowing not included) has gone 
up from $235 to $1850.00 per month, Banking License from $250.0 to $1,200.00, 
Liability Insurance from $200 to $1800.00, Workman Comp from $136 to $880.00, 
Crime (no coverage for check frauds like big Banks) from $900.00 to $3600.00, 
Medical for a family of 4 from $336.00 to $1681.00 with 40-60% reduced benefits 
& higher co-pay as compared to 1998. Before I forget my Property Tax $7,800.00 
in 2000 has gone up to $16,380.0 for living in the most corrupt & racist state 
of the world New Jersey under minority Jewish Rulers. In 1999 I used to work 80 
hours and now I work 120 hours but still
 unable to match my peak earnings of 2001 which has dropped by over 25% in real 
terms despite my 50% additional hours I am putting in. 
  If I look around just for more comparison besides the Robbers/Bankers; in 
1999 CEO of my Health Insurance Company took home $8.5 million and in 2006 the 
same CEO took home $23.5 million, which is an increase of 150%. If the 
government can regulate income of a small business owner like me under the 
pretext my services are used by poor & less fortunate in the society where as 
the fact is my services are also used by scoundrels posing as Politicians, 
School construction Contractors & Wall Street people stealing from the public. 
Why can’t the same logic can be applied to regulate the earnings of scoundrels 
in Banking, Real Estate, Medical Care, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Educational 
institutions, Politicians etc? 
  It seems our government policies and the policies of Corporate America have 
become one and the same. The real minority 0001 Scoundrels Club is running the 
country. The wealthy, influential and well connected people; some posing as our 
Political Leaders are making all the decisions. The back bone of our great 
industrial nation was built on the backs of working men & women of middle class 
and the working poor, who are the majority in America. It looks like big 
Corporations & Politicians of USA are working very hard to increase the 
population of poor in America. We are forgetting the basic principals of 
humanity that as a society we must take care of fellow citizens who are less 
fortunate by increasing work opportunities and increased wages for them. Rather 
the members of 0001 Elite Club are devising con schemes how to make the 
majority poor by reducing their earnings and entitlements in real terms.
  The government which was designed for the people has got into the hands of 
0001 Scoundrels Club namely Wall Street, Main Stream Media, Hollywood & Big 
Corporations who are controlling the US Congress and all the 50 states of 
America. You don’t have to be a Rocket scientist to know that first three 
sectors are majority & last sector to a great extent are controlled by the 
Organized Jewish Leadership not their community. They don’t care for their own 
community; the live example is in an all Jewish Town Springfield in NJ; a 
Jewish Developer Zygmunt Wilf who owns Minnesota Viking Foot Ball team is 
blowing up a Hill to make Dream Luxury Condos by doing massive permanent whole 
sale damage to Environment. Can Peace Prize Winner Phony lover of Environment 
Democrat Al Gore pay attention to this? This inhuman & insane act with total 
disregard to Environment no country on the face of the earth will ever allow. 
It is a Well Documented fact the entire Jewish community of the town for
 years opposed it but finally they were bulldozed by their own Organized 
Leadership along with their Racketeer Attorneys like Bruce Pitman, Kathleen 
Estabrooks etc. 
  To gain access to this Organized Leadership people like Vikram Pundit has to 
prove their unquestioned loyalty to them and have to accept the culture of 
corruption institutionalized by them. He found no problem in doing that. As 
such Hindus are famous for confusing their cowardliness with their love for 
Peace and centuries old fascination for White skin over dark skin. That is the 
reason they were slaves for more than 300 years and now they are living like 
3rd Grade citizens in their own country India where a Muslim, Sikh and 
Christian has more rights despite they being 58-62% of the Population. 
  If Vikram Pundit really believes in the religion “Hinduism” of his ancestors 
he must come clean. Pundit must tell the whole world what went wrong at Citi 
Bank and who stole the Billions as well as the names of top brass who were 
aware of it what is going on. Vikram Pundit must understand Hinduism is not a 
religion it is Law of life to serve the humanity and glory to God.
  We the people of United States we are a nation of great diversity and are 
known for eventually correcting flawed policies. If we can come out of great 
depression of 1929,  housing crash & run away inflation of 1980’s, Tech Bust of 
2000 and Enron fiasco; we will come out of this present financial mess in 
housing, debt & securities market. This mess is a creation of 001 Minority 
Club’s greed and certainly we the people the majority can correct it. We must 
understand what our great founding President George Washington said, 
“Government is not reason; is not eloquent; it is force like fire, it is 
dangerous servant and fearful master.”
  Amen. Merry Christmas.
  Dave Makkar
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