Post from Mark Levin's Blog:
Is Islam the Most Violent Religion? - Bodycounts in
Modern History
By Mark Levin - May 19th, 2008 at 7:09 pm EDT
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Content Tags: Christianity, islam, Judaism, religion,

Often, I come across the assumption that Islam is a
more violent religion.   It’s an assumption that
colors our international relations, late night comedy
and national discourse.  It has percolated into our
worldview, and embedded itself there.  This is a very
dangerous misconception we are laboring under. 

The suggestion that Obama being pegged as a former,
current or hidden Muslim is a kiss of death for his
electability (it is) is rarely taken to the next step
– as to why “Muslim” is a dirty word to us. 
What does that say about us as Americans?  Are we
really the best country in the world if we cannot
imagine an actual Muslim American winning a nomination
or the Presidency?  Aren’t we supposed to be
tolerant and not racist?  Why don’t we raise our
hackles the same way when we see digs at Arabs,
Mormons and Muslims as we do when blacks, Hispanics or
Jewish people are targeted?

Militant Islam is seen by us as a bigger threat to
human life than Western military power.  Islam is seen
as the violent religion.  The quantitative hard
evidence is completely in the other direction.   

The killing/infliction of pain by the West and
Islamist militants is different in style and expense,
except at the final moments – explosives ripping
through human flesh of innocent men, women and
children.  The first stages are radically different;
one is a very expensive high-tech process which often
involves pressing a button and never having to see who
you are killing far away, the other is a low-tech,
often suicidal effort with close proximity to the
victim.  Both achieve the same result, of terror, and
of targeted and collateral death.  Our collateral
(innocent) bodycounts on them, far exceed the
bodycount they exact on us.  But somehow, all the
technology and wizardry that precedes that last moment
of shrapnel through flesh, somehow gives us a thicker
veneer of being civilized than some suicide attacker
or beheader.  Why?  Aren’t we achieving the same
grisly result?

Our analyses, pundits and media usually ignore this
uncomfortable fact because it doesn’t make us look
moral, or civilized.

Our media (like that of every nation) reports
empathetically on the suffering of Western victims,
while largely ignoring the video coverage (if it
exists) of what happens on the other side or letting
us hear their side.   Sometimes that video footage is
never available – the poor don’t have camcorders.

We have no reason to feel morally superior just
because women have fewer rights in some Muslim
countries – we do a better job in actually killing

Yes, we have much more blood on our hands than
“they” do.   I claimed this in an earlier post,
but afterwards I researched the numbers to back it up.
 I did most of this research when I commented on
Israpundit a month ago, so the numbers are 1 month
old.  Jonathan Tilove mentioned (correctly) in his
article in Cleveland Plain Dealer:

“Mark Levin suggested that Americans have a
blinkered view of the world, that in recent decades
the Judeo-Christian West has more blood on its hands
than Islam, and that the Israeli-Palestine conflict
ought to be seen as "a clash of two equally valid
worldviews, a clash of two rights, instead of as a
clash between right vs. wrong."

Here’s the data.

20th Century

Judaeo-Christians win the kill totals big in the 20th
century, beating Islam hands-down. Think of Stalin
(~20 million), WWI (20 million), WWII (72 million)
which were mostly intra-Judaeo-Christian kills - this
‘group’ killed well over 50% of “its own”
among the roughly 200 million deaths from war in the
20th century. Once again, the question arises - are
the adherents of Islam really more violent than
Judaeo-Christian adherents? The empirical evidence
doesn’t support it. Quite the opposite.

In 1950, the global population was 2.5 billion, North
America and Europe had a combined 720 million people,
or close to 25% of the world population then.

We have had a disproportionate share of the kills in
that century, over 50%.  It would follow that Muslims
have killed fewer people as a % of their population
compared to the “Western group.”

Islam vs the West Since 2000:

We have killed more Muslim civilians from collateral
damage of our bombs in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel
combined than all the Israelis and Americans
(including combatants) who have been killed since 2000
by Muslims attacking Western targets. The math

Casualties on the “Muslim side”:

Direct collateral damage in Afghanistan from US bombs
~5,000 by end of 2002
This is a 2002 number - the likely number exceeds

Iraq invasion: 1,033,000 dead, with about 93,000 from
aerial bombardment. “48% died from a gunshot wound,
20% from the impact of a car bomb, 9% from aerial
bombardment, 6% as a result of an accident and 6% from
another blast/ordnance.”
(9% of the 1,033,000 is about 93,000 dying from just
aerial bombardment)

Palestinians killed by Israelis minus Pals who were
subjects of a targeted killing: 4,719 - 230 = 4,489.
(the furthest this number can go down to is 2168, if
we eliminate those taking part in “hostilities”
which I guess can include rock-throwing. I think the
number should be kept at 4,719 since on the Israeli
side we are including soldiers.)

Casualties on the “Judaeo-Christian side”:

Israeli soldiers and civilians killed by Pals: 1,044
(soldiers are included because it was hard to discern
the number for the Pals)

Sept 11 kills by AQ: 2,998 dead

2003 attacks on Istanbul synagogues: 57 dead

2004 Madrid bombings: 191 dead

2005 London bombings: 52 dead

Let’s say we also include the Western soldiers
killed according to Wikipedia:

Coalition deaths in Afghanistan: 723
Coalition deaths in Iraq: 4,350

I’m sure I’ve left out a few - feel free to add
them in and adjust. I’m sure you can quibble with
some of the classifications, but -


Number of Muslims killed by direct Western action
(mostly aerial bombardment) since 2000: Over 100,000

Number of Christians and Jews killed by action of
Muslims since 2000: Between 9,000 and 10,000.
(includes all Western combatants as well)

That’s 10 X. Who has caused more terror?  Is Islam
really more violent a religion than ours?

Killing of innocent civilians is terrifying, and
should count as “terrorism” whether or not
initiated by a state.  It is sudden, and kills
noncombatants.   I believe this same analysis, taken
back 25 or 50 years will show the same thing.

How much can we blame religion?

Does this mean Christianity or Judaism is more
violent, and has less regard for human life?   I’m
not sure.


I don’t think our religions are violent by nature,
but I think our devaluation of human life (that is not
like our own) is evident from the data.   The same way
many people in the West (openly or in their minds) tie
any violence by Muslim extremists to problems with
Islamic culture, religion, ideology and the Koran
(instead of political grievances) – this data might
lead an independent observer to argue that the Bible
and the Torah, and the Judaeo-Christian culture they
spawn is responsible for all the innocent deaths
caused by Western violence.

Given their similar roots, I don’t see any of the
three Abrahamic religions as being any more peaceful
or murderous than each other. I’m no scholar of
comparative religion, but I think that’s a
reasonable position unless someone shows me research
indicating otherwise.

Each religious text - whether it’s the Bible, Torah
and Koran - are complex enough to have passages that
appear to be peaceful or vengeful. The Bible has
“turn the other cheek” as well as an “eye for an
eye.” None of these tomes is internally consistent.
And they were composed in an era and culture that
doesn’t look like ours.  People who have political
or other axes to grind will always be able to find
passages in each of these texts to make their point. I
could say that “eye for an eye” is the
justification why I gouged out the eye of a doctor who
messed up my Lasik surgery. Or some other act of
revenge that is illegal under law. Does that mean my
religion is a violent one, because I’ve found a
passage in there to justify it?

Iraq and Intra-major faith deaths

Many will say that these post-2000 numbers ignore
intra-faith violence.  Yes, because it’s hard to
assign responsibility.  Also, we’d have to include
many African conflicts, Yugoslavia etc where the
religious lines are less clear.

Let’s look at Iraq.  The bloodletting in Iraq was
triggered by our invasion of Iraq, cheerleaded by the
US neocons, and more quietly by Israel which saw
Saddam as an existential threat.  Iran has now taken
that place for Israel, and the cheerleading by our
neocons and right-wing evangelicals continues for in
effect, a premeditated attack on Iran.  I think these
people should be more appropriately labeled

If we did go intra-Islam, we’d have to include the
Sunni-Shia violent deaths in Iraq, which are probably
70-80% of the 1 million Iraq deaths.   I partly blame
those religious leaders in Iraq who could have done
something to prevent the civil war - but we started
the whole thing.  Analyzing this becomes messy – if
we hadn’t initiated our invasion, the civil war
wouldn’t have ensued – so who should get how much

Saddam, by most accounts I’ve heard, could be blamed
for about a million deaths. But almost all of that
ended in 1991; there was no humanitarian casus belli
of a genocidal level beyond the normal authoritarian
tortures and killings after 1991:

And for much of that time he wasn’t an enemy of
major powers like us:

Individuals locked in the middle of a civil war, when
survival is at stake, and people are seeing blood in
roving mobs, are obviously not without blame. But
those who have greater power and influence, have
greater responsibility. In Yugoslavia the leaders set
in motion the ethnic hatred and conflict, where
neighbors who had lived peacefully next to each other
were killing each other. I hold them more responsible,
rather than the former neighbors. Rwanda was similar.

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