I live in Australia and have joined your group in the sanguine hope that
maybe there is a journalist out there who is willing to undertake some
research with a view to getting published the defining story of their
career – if not their life!

This is the last Internet Journalists' group that I'll be joining, as
despite trying desperately to find a journalist with the requisite
character and intelligence to understand the serious economic and
political nature of this story – which involves successive
governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand;
Queen Elizabeth II; Tony Blair; Jack Straw and a host of lesser
individuals – I have been singularly unsuccessful.

The other reason that I joined your group is the fact that this story is
so serious that all governments in English speaking countries have put
Defence Notices in place to prevent the material being published or
broadcast. I am therefore hoping that someone in this group will be able
to understand the issues and their importance, draft a story and then
get it translated and published outside of the English language media.

Just as a taste of the issues involved; we have PROOF (yes PROOF) that
Jack Straw has forged the signature of Queen Elizabeth II on at least
one Appointment document for an Australian Governor-General. He even
used the wrong Royal Seal! The importance of this forgery is that no
laws can be passed in Australia unless and until Bills of Law receive
the signature of the Queen's representative: the Governor-General!

Result: No valid legislation in Australia.

We have good reason to believe that Jack Straw did not commit this crime
– a crime under the provisions of the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act
1981 (UK) - out of the goodness of what passes for his heart or that
this one instance that we can prove was his only indiscretion – but
it is enough!

Please let me know if you are interested and I'll provide additional

Thank you



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