Currently in Australia four Somali men are awaiting trial on alleged
terrorism offences. The men are said to have links with Somali terrorist
group al-Shabaab, a hard-line Islamic youth group. According to the
Australian media, it took the Victorian Police more than 24 hours to
charge them even though they have been under surveillance for about
seven months. To me this sounds odd.

Anyway, I don't know who their lawyers are so I can't send them very
relevant information that could be used in their court proceedings. Then
again, they probably would be about as interested as members of this
web-group are in finding out what I have and doing the necessary
research to confirm that information.

This also seems odd to me because the governments of China, Japan, Sri
Lanka and Burma took the time to examine it and are currently using it
to their own ends. It's a weird world. I guess.

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