Park 51/'Ground Zero Mosque' - The Crux of the Matter


Bottom line? Business as usual; it's all about the money.


Aishah Schwartz.jpgPRLog <>  (Aug 19, 2010) -
As an American Muslim citizen and activist, I wholeheartedly agree with and
do not deny the right of the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA)
and the Cordoba Initiative, who purchased the building at 51 Park Avenue for
a reported 4.85M, to do with it as they like; in accordance with applicable


However, given that it was known that this building was grazed by one of the
jet liners that crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on
September 11, 2001, and that the information - being the potent symbolism
that 'became a compelling rationale for the project' - was insufficient to
cause the organizers to re-evaluate the choice of location for their Islamic
cultural center and mosque, further substantiates the confrontational nature
of the choice made when purchasing the property.  


The estimated cost of constructing the 13-story project is reported to be
upwards of $100M. What better way to garner support from donors than to
incite them into contributing monetarily to the project by choosing a site
that would inevitably become controversial - politically or otherwise -
leading ultimately to mainstream media attention. Ka-ching. Free


At what cost?


Unnecessarily providing ammunition for the islamophobes citing
constitutional rights violations; alienating survivors and family members
who lost loved ones on 9/11; and contributing to the exacerbation of
divisions that already exist in the Muslim community that organizers purport
the project is aimed at supporting?


What do you think was behind the President's comments about the wisdom in
choosing 51 Park Avenue as the project's location? The writing was on the
wall from day one. And the organizers knew it.


Bottom line? Business as usual; it's all about the money. And you can safely
bet the U.S. government will be scrutinizing where every penny of the $100M
comes from.



Park 51/'Ground Zero Mosque' - The Crux of the Matter 

MWA Director Commends New York Governor in Step Toward Compromise on Ground
Zero Mosque 

No Islamic Community Center at Ground Zero 

Some Muslims Question Mosque Near Ground Zero

Muslims are Failing to Call for Minority Rights in the Islamic Countries


# # #




Aishah Schwartz, an American Muslim revert to Islam since April 2002, is
founder and director of the 2006 established Washington, D.C.-based Muslimah
Writers Alliance (MWA) and a retired 17-year litigation legal assistant. She
is also a published freelance non-fiction writer/journalist and
internationally renowned human rights activist with a focus on the rights of
Muslim women and the plight of the Palestinian people affected by the
Israeli imposed illegal embargo on Gaza. 


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