Luigi Cataldi wrote:
> Dear list mambers,
> like, I suppose, all of you, I ardently hope that Werner's Archive can
> survive. Here is my consideration on the matter.
> 1) I think that the best solution would be to keep the arkive where now it
> is, if this is possible, of course. Has anyone talked with some of the GMD
> administrators about the possibility of to let to menage the arkive from
> outside the GMD institute, by one or more of us that can and want do that?
> In this case there will be the advantage of to retain the internet address.
> 2) Yahoo and other commercial site, even if free, can remove the page
> winthout any notice, put some banner in the page and, over all, they are
> commercial, and so their philosophy is very far from the philosophy that
> has given life to the GMD archive. For those reasons I prefer the non
> commercial (preferably academic) solution.

After I posted my request for hosting proposals I've received two
qualified offers, both of them securing the non-commercial status of our
archive and one of them from an academic site. Of course the mutex list
will eventually be thoroughly informed!

> 3) I think that could be useful the existence of mirror sites. In this case
> the GMD original site might be a mirror site and retain the important
> reputation that it has all over the world.
> 4) Whatever will be the choise, I propose to change the name of the archive
> in 'Werner Icking Archive'.
> Luigi Cataldi

Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01

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