It was interesting to review how differently Bach's French
presented in Mutopia collections. The French Suites are presented with
all parts of the suites available in a zipped PDF and the English Suites
are presented with each piece as a separate Mutopia piece.

I prefer the way the English Suites are presented --- I can simply download
a single part of the suite --- but it seems that you would want to follow
the layout as it is currently described for the collection you are working
on so all parts stay somewhat consistent.

Collections give you can give you flexibility with regards to final
presentation. In addition to the individual pieces, an edition can be
created with all pieces in a single PDF and put in the collections area.
This is done with Sor's Opus


On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Knute Snortum <> wrote:

> I am working on two projects where there are several movements in the
> piece and no way to get the piece as one PDF/PS file.  The way it is done
> now it seems is a zip file is created and all the movements are put in
> there.  This is fine when the files are named something like Movement 1,
> Movement 2, etc.  But with Bach's French Suites the movements are named
> things like Allemande, Menuet, Gigue, etc.  There is no indication of which
> movement is played first, second, and so on.
> There are several possible solutions to this.  The easiest would be to
> rename the files something like,, etc.  Then
> we can still use the zip file structure.
> Another way is to include a README file that says, "First movement:
> Allemande, Second: Gigue", etc.
> The third way is the hardest, but it would mean a person could download
> the entire multi-movement piece as one unit, and that the typesetter could
> make adjustments to the full score.  What we could do it create "ily"
> (LilyPond include) files that have all the raw music info.  Then there
> would be a shell "ly" file that includes one "ily" file for a single
> movement download.  The last "ly" file would pull all the movements into
> one score for the entire suite.  So for a five movement piece there would
> be five include files, five shell "ly" files for individual movements and
> one shell file for the whole thing.  These would be compiled into PS and
> PDF files.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Knute Snortum
> (via Gmail)
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