Il giorno lun 30 giu 2014 alle 20:40, Knute Snortum <> ha scritto:
I have finished transcribing the individual movements of Pictures in an Exhibition. Now i want to create the file that will contain all of them in order. I'm doing this with one file like this:

\header {

\include ""
\include ""

...with the movement files like this:

upper = { ... }
lower = { ... }

\bookpart {
  \header {
  \score {

I have to add the \bookpart {} to all the movement files. I feel that this should be all one branch, but should it be separate branches?

I think that it should be one branch.
But.. why didn't you use \bookpart from the beginning? Now you'll have to move the \header blocks of movements inside \bookpart.

I attach a patch of my test, just to illustrate what I've tried.
As you can see, there's a second \score in which disturbs this setup.

BTW, some changes are due to the fact that I set the automatic removal of trailing spaces on save in Frescobaldi preferences.
>From 644fd645b6b46f94001889d06010dde7e8d09cc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Federico Bruni <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 07:18:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 33/33] mussorgsky: add book file and use \bookpart movements

 .../pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/          |  91 +++++++-------
 .../pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/        | 138 +++++++++++----------
 .../pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/          |   8 ++
 3 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/

diff --git a/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/ b/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
index 8015666..67cbb7b 100644
--- a/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
+++ b/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
@@ -5,53 +5,54 @@
 \include "baba-andante.ily"
 \include "baba-allegro-molto.ily"
-\header {
-  title        = "La cabane sur des pattes de poule (Baba-Jaga)"
-  composer     = "Modest Moussorgsky (1839 - 1881)"
-  style        = "Romantic"
-  license      = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
-  enteredby    = "Knute Snortum"
-  lastupdated  = "2014/May/25"
-  date         = "1874"
-  source       = "Pavel Lamm"
-  mutopiatitle       = "Pictures at an Exhibition"
-  mutopiacomposer    = "MussorgskyM"
-  mutopiainstrument  = "Piano"
-  maintainer         = "Knute Snortum"
-  maintainerEmail    = "knute (at) snortum (dot) net"
-  maintainerWeb      = "";
+%showLastLength = R2*90
+\bookpart {
+  \header {
+    title        = "La cabane sur des pattes de poule (Baba-Jaga)"
+    composer     = "Modest Moussorgsky (1839 - 1881)"
+    style        = "Romantic"
+    license      = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
+    enteredby    = "Knute Snortum"
+    lastupdated  = "2014/May/25"
+    date         = "1874"
+    source       = "Pavel Lamm"
- footer = "Mutopia-2014/06/29-475"
- copyright =  \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \right-column { \sans \bold \with-url #""; { \abs-fontsize #9  "Mutopia " \concat { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 \abs-fontsize #9 "Project " } } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \center-column { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #grey \bold { \char ##x01C0 \char ##x01C0 } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \column { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans \concat { " Typeset using " \with-url #""; "LilyPond " \char ##x00A9 " " 2014 " by " \maintainer " " \char ##x2014 " " \footer } \concat { \concat { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans{ " " \with-url #""; "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License " \char ##x2014 " free to distribute, modify, and perform" } } \abs-fontsize #13 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 } } }
- tagline = ##f
+    mutopiatitle       = "Pictures at an Exhibition"
+    mutopiacomposer    = "MussorgskyM"
+    mutopiainstrument  = "Piano"
+    maintainer         = "Knute Snortum"
+    maintainerEmail    = "knute (at) snortum (dot) net"
+    maintainerWeb      = "";
-%showLastLength = R2*90
-\score {
-  \new PianoStaff <<
-    \new Staff = "up" {
-      \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0 
-      \clef treble
-      \globalAllegroBrio
-      \upperAllegroBrio
-      \globalAndante
-      \upperAndante
-      \globalAllegroMolto
-      \upperAllegroMolto
+    footer = "Mutopia-2014/06/29-475"
+    copyright =  \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \right-column { \sans \bold \with-url #""; { \abs-fontsize #9  "Mutopia " \concat { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 \abs-fontsize #9 "Project " } } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \center-column { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #grey \bold { \char ##x01C0 \char ##x01C0 } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \column { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans \concat { " Typeset using " \with-url #""; "LilyPond " \char ##x00A9 " " 2014 " by " \maintainer " " \char ##x2014 " " \footer } \concat { \concat { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans{ " " \with-url #""; "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License " \char ##x2014 " free to distribute, modify, and perform" } } \abs-fontsize #13 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 } } }
+    tagline = ##f
+  }
+  \score {
+    \new PianoStaff <<
+      \new Staff = "up" {
+        \override DynamicTextSpanner #'dash-period = #-1.0 
+        \clef treble
+        \globalAllegroBrio
+        \upperAllegroBrio
+        \globalAndante
+        \upperAndante
+        \globalAllegroMolto
+        \upperAllegroMolto
+      }
+      \new Staff = "down" {
+        \clef bass
+        \globalAllegroBrio
+        \lowerAllegroBrio
+        \globalAndante
+        \lowerAntante
+        \globalAllegroMolto
+        \lowerAllegroMolto
+      }
+    >>
+    \layout {
-    \new Staff = "down" {
-      \clef bass
-      \globalAllegroBrio
-      \lowerAllegroBrio
-      \globalAndante
-      \lowerAntante
-      \globalAllegroMolto
-      \lowerAllegroMolto
+    \midi {
-  >>
-  \layout {
-  }
-  \midi {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/ b/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
index fbc0d0f..2d13a5c 100644
--- a/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
+++ b/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
@@ -1,27 +1,6 @@
 \version "2.18.2"
 \language "english"
-\header {
-  title        = "Ballet des poussins dans leurs coques"
-  composer     = "Modest Moussorgsky (1839 - 1881)"
-  style        = "Romantic"
-  license      = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
-  enteredby    = "Knute Snortum"
-  date         = "1874"
-  source       = "Pavel Lamm"
-  mutopiatitle       = "Pictures at an Exhibition"
-  mutopiacomposer    = "MussorgskyM"
-  mutopiainstrument  = "Piano"
-  maintainer         = "Knute Snortum"
-  maintainerEmail    = "knute (at) snortum (dot) net"
-  maintainerWeb      = "";
- footer = "Mutopia-2014/06/29-475"
- copyright =  \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \right-column { \sans \bold \with-url #""; { \abs-fontsize #9  "Mutopia " \concat { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 \abs-fontsize #9 "Project " } } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \center-column { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #grey \bold { \char ##x01C0 \char ##x01C0 } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \column { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans \concat { " Typeset using " \with-url #""; "LilyPond " \char ##x00A9 " " 2014 " by " \maintainer " " \char ##x2014 " " \footer } \concat { \concat { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans{ " " \with-url #""; "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License " \char ##x2014 " free to distribute, modify, and perform" } } \abs-fontsize #13 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 } } }
- tagline = ##f
 scherzino = {
   \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
@@ -51,13 +30,13 @@ highVoice = \relative c''' {
   \tempo "Vivo, leggiero."
   | \acciaccatura { d8 } <f, a c>8 [ \pp \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8 \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
+  <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
   | \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c>8 [ \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8 [ \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    <df' f af> \staffDown <af b> ] \staffUp
+  <df' f af> \staffDown <af b> ] \staffUp
   | r8 \acciaccatura { fs8 } <e g> r \acciaccatura { a8 } <g bf>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { b8 } <af c> r \acciaccatura { d8 } <c ef>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { f8 } <ef gf> r \acciaccatura { a8 } <gf bf>
@@ -65,13 +44,13 @@ highVoice = \relative c''' {
   \barNumberCheck #8
   | r8 \acciaccatura { d'8 } <g, bf ef> r \acciaccatura { a'8 } <c, e g>
   | \acciaccatura { d8 } <f, a c>8 [ \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8 \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
+  <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
   | \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c>8 [ \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b> \staffDown <f, af df> ] \staffUp
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8 [ \staffDown <f, a c> \staffUp
-    <df' f af> \staffDown <af b> ] \staffUp
+  <df' f af> \staffDown <af b> ] \staffUp
   | r8 \acciaccatura { bf8 } <af cf> r \acciaccatura { c8 } <a df>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { ef'8 } <df ff> r \acciaccatura { f8 } <d gf>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { c8 } <bf df> r \acciaccatura { d8 }  <b ef>
@@ -88,13 +67,13 @@ highVoice = \relative c''' {
 highVoiceMidi = \relative c''' {
   | \acciaccatura { d8 } <f, a c>8 [   <f, a c> 
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8  <f, a c> 
-    <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
+  <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
   | \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c>8 [  <f, a c> 
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8 [  <f, a c> 
-    <df' f af>  <af b> ] 
+  <df' f af>  <af b> ] 
   | r8 \acciaccatura { fs8 } <e g> r \acciaccatura { a8 } <g bf>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { b8 } <af c> r \acciaccatura { d8 } <c ef>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { f8 } <ef gf> r \acciaccatura { a8 } <gf bf>
@@ -102,13 +81,13 @@ highVoiceMidi = \relative c''' {
   % bar 8
   | r8 \acciaccatura { d'8 } <g, bf ef> r \acciaccatura { a'8 } <c, e g>
   | \acciaccatura { d8 } <f, a c>8 [  <f, a c> 
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8  <f, a c> 
-    <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
+  <df' f af> [ \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c> ]
   | \acciaccatura { d'8 } <f, a c>8 [  <f, a c> 
-    \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
+  \acciaccatura { c''8 } <f, af b>  <f, af df> ] 
   | \acciaccatura { d''8 } <f, a c>8 [  <f, a c> 
-    <df' f af>  <af b> ] 
+  <df' f af>  <af b> ] 
   | r8 \acciaccatura { bf8 } <af cf> r \acciaccatura { c8 } <a df>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { ef'8 } <df ff> r \acciaccatura { f8 } <d gf>
   | r8 \acciaccatura { c8 } <bf df> r \acciaccatura { d8 }  <b ef>
@@ -274,38 +253,60 @@ global = {
 % No MIDI output
-\score {
-  \new PianoStaff <<
-    \new Staff = "up" {
-      \global
-      \repeat volta 2 { \highVoice }
-      \repeat volta 2 {
-        <<
-          \new Voice { \voiceOne \highVoiceTwo }
-          \new Voice { \voiceTwo \upperMiddleTwo }
-        >>
-      }
-      \repeat volta 2 { \highVoiceThree }
-    }
-    \new Staff = "down" {
-      \global
-      \repeat volta 2 { \lowVoice }
-      \repeat volta 2 {
-        <<
-          \new Voice { \voiceOne \lowerMiddleTwo }
-          \new Voice { \voiceFour \lowVoiceTwoA }
-          \new Voice { \voiceTwo \lowVoiceTwoB }
-        >>
+\bookpart {
+  \header {
+    title        = "Ballet des poussins dans leurs coques"
+    composer     = "Modest Moussorgsky (1839 - 1881)"
+    style        = "Romantic"
+    license      = "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0"
+    enteredby    = "Knute Snortum"
+    date         = "1874"
+    source       = "Pavel Lamm"
+    mutopiatitle       = "Pictures at an Exhibition"
+    mutopiacomposer    = "MussorgskyM"
+    mutopiainstrument  = "Piano"
+    maintainer         = "Knute Snortum"
+    maintainerEmail    = "knute (at) snortum (dot) net"
+    maintainerWeb      = "";
+    footer = "Mutopia-2014/06/29-475"
+    copyright =  \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \right-column { \sans \bold \with-url #""; { \abs-fontsize #9  "Mutopia " \concat { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 \abs-fontsize #9 "Project " } } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \center-column { \abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #grey \bold { \char ##x01C0 \char ##x01C0 } } \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \column { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans \concat { " Typeset using " \with-url #""; "LilyPond " \char ##x00A9 " " 2014 " by " \maintainer " " \char ##x2014 " " \footer } \concat { \concat { \abs-fontsize #8 \sans{ " " \with-url #""; "Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License " \char ##x2014 " free to distribute, modify, and perform" } } \abs-fontsize #13 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 } } }
+    tagline = ##f
+  }
+  \score {
+    \new PianoStaff <<
+      \new Staff = "up" {
+        \global
+        \repeat volta 2 { \highVoice }
+        \repeat volta 2 {
+          <<
+            \new Voice { \voiceOne \highVoiceTwo }
+            \new Voice { \voiceTwo \upperMiddleTwo }
+          >>
+        }
+        \repeat volta 2 { \highVoiceThree }
-      \repeat volta 2 {
-        <<
-          \new Voice { \voiceThree \lowerMiddleThree }
-          \new Voice { \voiceFour \lowVoiceThree }
-        >>
+      \new Staff = "down" {
+        \global
+        \repeat volta 2 { \lowVoice }
+        \repeat volta 2 {
+          <<
+            \new Voice { \voiceOne \lowerMiddleTwo }
+            \new Voice { \voiceFour \lowVoiceTwoA }
+            \new Voice { \voiceTwo \lowVoiceTwoB }
+          >>
+        }
+        \repeat volta 2 {
+          <<
+            \new Voice { \voiceThree \lowerMiddleThree }
+            \new Voice { \voiceFour \lowVoiceThree }
+          >>
+        }
+    >>
+    \layout {
-  >>
-  \layout {
@@ -349,6 +350,7 @@ globalCoda = {
 % No MIDI output
 \score {
   \new PianoStaff \with {
     instrumentName = #"Coda"
@@ -374,7 +376,7 @@ globalMidi = {
   \skip 2
-\score {
+%{\score {
@@ -412,4 +414,4 @@ globalMidi = {
   \midi {
     \tempo 4 = 160
diff --git a/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/ b/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a4034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftp/MussorgskyM/pictures-at-an-exhibition/pictures-at-an-exhibition-lys/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\version "2.18.2"
+\header {
+  title = "Pictures at an exhibition"
+\include ""
+\include ""
\ No newline at end of file

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