On 1999-08-08 23:38:32 -0700, rex wrote:

> Why do you call a convention that was in use worldwide for several
> years and perfectly functional, a bug?

While it's not an actual bug, it's _not_ perfectly functional.

There are several issues with traditional cleartext PGP signatures:

- When your mail user agent doesn't support PGP, it has no decent
  access to the signed text.  Not very nice.  With PGP/MIME, the PGP
  and MIME parts are essentially orthogonal - any MUA which has a
  basic understanding of multiparts has access to the signed data
  without any problems.

- Ever seen _real_ character set handling with the traditional

- Ever seen body parts with a content-type other than text/plain
  signed with the traditional method?  (_Please_, don't come with
  the format="mime" brain-damage which was actually generated by
  some versions of exmh.)

> And what's wrong with backwards compatibility? 

Nothing.  That's why Mutt is actually able to _receive_
traditional-style PGP signed message, but sends PGP signed messages
in a format which complies with RFC 2015, a Proposed Internet

Note, BTW, that PGP 6.5.1 seems to have some code to handle
PGP/MIME.  At least I recall to have seen options referring to this
in some examples.  You may wish to further investigate this.

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