On 1999-09-03 16:58:54 -0700, A Guy Called Tyketto wrote:

>       These aren't totally required, but I did stumble across these errors 
> in my .muttrc after running mutt 1.0pre1i, 1.0pre2i, and 0.95.7i, involving 
> PGP. I am using GnuPG currently, but these errors come up with PGP 2.6.* as 
> well. They did work correctly, in 0.95.5i and 0.95.6i. Did these get 
> depracated in the new versions?

Wrong way around.  These variables are used by the unstable branch,
that is, 0.96.  They are _not_ used by 0.95, or 1.0.

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