On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 08:30:00AM +0100, Viktor Lakics wrote:
> Dear mutters,
> This is probably a FAQ, sorry for that if it is. I frequently want
> to attach on of my previous mails from the sent folder. But with
> attach I can only attach a file. My message is not a file, but part
> of the mailbox file. So every time I have to do this I fire up
> another konsole with mutt and browse for my mail in the folder, open
> it the copy & paste the appropriate text beetween xterms. 
> There has to be a way to make it simple. This is so cumbersome, I
> keep telling myself I am overlooking something...
> The ideal would be something like browsing my mailboxes from vim
> *the editor when I do the message), or from mutt select that message
> and insert it. 
> Or just attach it somehow before sending it?
> Thanks in advance. -- Viktor 

Not sure if I get what you mean but here's what I do in this

If I'm in the middle of composing a new msg then I remember something, a
paragraph or a few lines perhaps, in another msg that I want to include,
I postpone my msg editing, then I go to that message containing the text
that I want to include and decode-copy it (ESC Shift-C) to a ~/temp.txt
file, then continue my postponed composition and copy temp.txt file into
my email (:r ~/temp.txt) and remove the un-wanted sections.

Seems cumbersome too but that's the only way I know how to do this
without opening another console or getting out of the mutt session. If
anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears...  :)


Horace G. Friend III
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