On Tue 07-Aug-2001 at 01:42:47PM +0200, Ulf Erikson wrote:

> I wrote two macros about a year ago to let me ,Thread or ,Unthread
> mails at my will. You'll find the macros in the archives or attached.
> It would be nice to have this functionallity in Mutt though.

I agree, I've just rethreaded a mailbox using Ulf's macros. This box has
a couple of hundred messages in five or so threads - all important
business stuff that was previously completely incoherent.

This is Very Useful functionality, just the sort of magic I need.

BTW, I couldn't get the ,Thread macro to work because I have 'auto_tag'
set, here's a version that works for me:

macro index ,T "\
<enter-command>unset auto_tag<enter>\
<pipe-message>formail -z -x Message-ID > /tmp/mutt-msgID<enter>\
<enter-command>set editor=\
'formail -i \"References:\
 \`cat /tmp/mutt-msgID\`\"\
 -R In-Reply-To Old-In-Reply-To\
 < %s\
 > /tmp/mutt-fix.$$;\
 mv /tmp/mutt-fix.$$ %s; sleep 1; touch %s'<enter>\
<shell-escape>rm /tmp/mutt-msgID<enter>\
<enter-command>set editor=vim<enter>\
<enter-command>set auto_tag<enter>" \
 "insert the current message's \"Message-ID\" into the tagged messages'\
 \"References:\" headers"


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