Am Fre, 14 Sep 2001, schrieb Eric Smith:

> I am trying to do something like this:
> macro index y "!vim /home/eric/.muttrc\nexec source /home/eric/.muttrc"
> The first part I have been using for years - very useful by the way
> especially when you have the following autocommand 
> autocmd BufRead * normal `"
> (returns you to where you were in the file when last edited)
> Problem is I want to source the muttrc directly.

This macro works fine for me to edit my aliases file
I think you should be able to adapt it.

macro   index   \ea "!vim ~/.mutt/aliases\n:source ~/.mutt/aliases\n" \
                    "Edit aliases file and reload it"


Christoph Maurer - Paul-Röntgen-Straße 7 - D - 52072 Aachen
On my Homepage: SuSE 7.0 on an Acer Travelmate 508 T Notebook

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