On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 10:14:19PM -0400, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Maybe, that I am asking too much, but my experience with mutt is
> that everything is possible -- one just has to know, what to put
> in .muttrc. So,
> would it be possible to hide read messages in a newsgroups (using
> VVV patch for nntp on mutt and listerver is local
> leafnode)? I mean, that it would be much better if there would be
> only unread messages in opened newsgroup.
> Sorry for my English, it's getting to late on me :-)
> Thanks for answer
> Matej Cepl

Couldn't you use the limit feature to do this.

Try something like

l ~N

to only show new messages or

l ~N | ~O

to only show new and old messages.

limit works in any mailbox (or newsgroup).

Benjamin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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