Hey folks.  I need some help here to stop making an ass of myself on
mailing lists.

First, a description of how I keep doing this:

My imap account is divided into quite a number of folders, each of
which I can have mail delivered directly into by using the 'plussed
users' format - note my From header.  This is because I subscribe to a
good number of lists - 6 at the moment - and I don't want to make Mutt
do the sorting everytime I log in.  That could take forever -
especially since some of those lists have several aliases and can be
quite heavy in traffic.

So my natural inclination was to set up a macro that automagically
sets my From, Reply-To, and To headers tied to a folder hook for each
folder.  Easy.  Works like a charm.  Except when I ask for specific
info, sometimes the person helping me chooses - often for good reason
- to reply directly to me, rather than on list.

Well, When I reply back - not with 'L' but with 'r', yep, you guessed
it, I have inappropriately brought an off list discussion back on
list, often leaving out some important context.  Very annoying.
People get quite flustered about it too.  Understandibly so.

So how can I 'smarten' mutt up a little so that the To header is not
automagically set if I hit 'r' instead of 'L'?

Thanks everyone.

PS:  Please refrain from taking this one off list so I don't prove
once again that I'm a bloody scatterbrain :)

Louis LeBlanc       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                 ԿԬ

Technology is dominated by those who manage what they do not understand.

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