I am using mutt 1.2.5i with a hodge podge .muttrc. I have pinched the
following from Roland Rosenfeld's keybindings :
macro   index   \ea     "!$EDITOR ~/.mutt_alias\n:source ~/.mutt_alias\n" \
                        "Edit aliases file and reload it"
but using <esc>a gives the following error
sh: /home/spavri/.mutt_alias: Permission denied
Press any key to continue...
Ths is what I have:
[spavri@farzaan spavri]$ ls -al .mutt_alias
-rw-------    1 spavri   spavri       5228 Oct  3 19:46 .mutt_alias
I even tried changing the perms to 664 and even 666 but no go; same error
turns up. What am I doing wrong ?

Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri.
Mumbai, India.

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