On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 09:28:59AM +0200, Brugier Pascal wrote:
> Helo
> I want to know if it's possible to fetch differents mail boxes
> (different user names and different passwords) on the same pop server
> at once fith the "G" command.
> And after i want to save the mails  in different folders.
> I will filter them in the headers.
> if i understand, i can do this with : "mailboxes and mbox-hook"
> But can i have the choice to this either by the "To:", "From:" or "Subject:"
> headers .

Configure fetchmail to retrieve your email.  Then have procmail
deliver/filter it to the correct mailboxes.

To make fetchmail be reawaked and immediately fetch mail with the G
command add this to your .muttrc:

# Turn the check mail option into running fetchmail to wake it up.
# no point since I'm not using mutt's built in pop feature
macro   index   G       ":unset wait_key\n|fetchmail\n:unset wait_key\n" \
                        "Wake up fetchmail to check the email again"
#macro  browser G       ":unset wait_key\n|fetchmail\n:unset wait_key\n" \
#                       "Wake up fetchmail to check the email again"
macro   pager   G       ":unset wait_key\n|fetchmail\n:unset wait_key\n" \
                        "Wake up fetchmail to check the email again"


"Before you set out for revenge dig two graves."
- Chinese Saying

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