Perhaps your "t" is bound to something other than tag-entry.  Perhaps
you're hitting q instead of <Enter> after tagging.  When you tag files,
it should place a * next to the listed permissions.  Does it at least do
that?  If not, your t is probably wrong.  If so, then just hit enter after
tagging everything and you should be good to go.


Previously, John P. Verel wrote:
% That's what I do.  All that happens is the cursor moves to the next file
% name.
% The manual notes that typing upper case A allows for tagging and
% attaching multiple messages (not files) and that works for me.  The
% manual makes no mention of tagging files...only messages.
% So, no luck here so far.
% On 10/17/01, 05:43:40PM -0700, Igor Pruchanskiy wrote:
% > On Wed 17 Oct 2001, John P. Verel wrote:
% > > Hi.  I sometimes want to attach multiple files from the same directory.
% > > I've tried to tag while in the attachment menu, but no luck.  Couldn't
% > > find anything in the on-line help.  The ? indicated t for tag in the
% > > attachment menu.  What am I missing.
% > 
% > just hit "t" to tag an attachment, just like you tag messages

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