On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 01:01:47AM -0400, David T-G (dis)graced my inbox with:
> % > % If you leave a folder with new messages, mutt will 'forget' that there
> % > % are new messages in it -- very annoying.
> % > 
> % > No, no, no...  You're confusing your definition of "new" with mutt's
> % > definition of "new" again.  Until Steven says he means something else,
> % > we'll assume that he's doing it our way :-)
> % 
> % I know very well that mutt and I disagree on what is new mail and what
> % isn't. I also happen to know that I'm right, mutt is wrong, and I can
> % trick mutt into agreeing with me. :D
> *snort*  You mean you know that mutt is right but you abuse its forgiving
> capabilities to make it give you what you want even if it's outside of
> the design spec ;-)

That too :)

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
We can predict everything, except the future.

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