
I'm trying to substitute Mutt with Mozilla.

One important porting work is dealing with the multiple accounts I keep,
especially the mailing list.

* But I found the flow of incoming mail dropping down. vim mailing list
sent me a message telling me my mail is bouncing.

On 12/28 and 29, I received about 20 mails from mutt-users. But 12/30 I
had no more than 5. It also happened to [EMAIL PROTECTED], dropping from
20-30 down to 4. (But my testing mail all survived.)

(My MTA is postfix (on Mandrake 8.1). Mutt is 1.3.24i. procmail 3.21.)
I wonder whether the following files (copied from 'man procmail') have
anything wrong. Help, please.

* My ~/.forward:

"|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -Yf-||exit 75 #jie"

(Could anybody help explain:
    1. Why IFS=' ' checking?
    2. Why the options -Yf- in "exec $p -Yf-"?
    3. Why exit 75?

* My ~/.procmailrc:

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail          #you'd better make sure it exists
#DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/mbox      #completely optional
LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/proc.log   #recommended

* ^(To|CC|From): .*mutt-users

* ^(To|CC|From): .*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

* ^Subject: .*Fwd?:


If I can not handle multiple accounts well with mutt, I may need to go
back to Mozilla or Netscape, which are so heavy.

Thank you in advance,

Charles Jie (¬ö¬K¿³)               Keya Technologies (¶}¶®¬ì§Þ)
(O) +886 2 2936 0813               (Mobile) 0920 397 746

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