On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 09:36:01AM -0500, giorgian wrote:
> if i have two mail folders and want to merge them in one avoiding
> repetitions, how can i do?

I had to do this recently. The way I did it was to copy the messages
from both folders into a third, and then remove any duplicates in this
third folder. I did the latter using "formail" which is a utility that
comes with procmail (see "man formail"). Below is a quick Python script
that automates the process.

#!/usr/bin/env python2.1
# a script that dumps duplicate emails from an mbox file

import sys
import os

cache_size = 32676
cache_file = '/tmp/msgid.cache'

# check the args
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
  print 'Need to provide a filename of an mbox to clean.\n'
fname = sys.argv[1]

# backup the original
os.system('cp -a "%s" "%s.bak"' % (fname, fname))

# make sure there is no old cache
except OSError:
  # not a problem, just means there was no cache

# run formail
os.system('formail -D %d %s -s < "%s.bak" > "%s"\n' % (
        cache_size, cache_file, fname, fname))

Maciej Kalisiak         [EMAIL PROTECTED]     www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac

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