On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 15:40, Michael Graham wrote:

> I’ve been trying to set up OfflineIMAP to sync my mail to my machine into a 
> Maildir set of folders.  So far, mostly works, but I can’t access nested 
> folders — only the top-level folders.  I used ‘/’ as the seperator so that 
> OfflineIMAP would create local nested folders.
>       My .muttrc has the following:
>     set   mbox_type     =    Maildir   
>     set   pager_stop                   
>     set   folder       =    "~/.mail"  
>     set   spoolfile    =    "+INBOX"   
>     set   record       =    "+Sent Messages"
>     set   postponed    =    "+Drafts"  
>     set   mask         =    "!^\\.[^.]" 
> I think the problem is with the mask, but I’ve tried mucking around with it 
> to no avail.
>       Anyone know what it should read?  Or if it’s not the mask, then what 
> the problem is?

I’ve been researching this a little further, trying to get it fixed, but still 
haven’t made any progress.
      I followed a Maildir guide on the mutt wiki (<http://tinyurl.com/mexy9>), 
making sure I removed the trailing whitespace from the \s, but it still doesn’t 
work.  Hitting enter on one of the folders I *know* has subfolders (which I can 
navigate to with the cd command, still just opens that folder.
      When I exit, I see this in the terminal printed several times, just after 
the command to start mutt:

    sh: line 0: [: missing `]'

I tried fixing it, but I know nothing about shell scripting, so I couldn’t seem 
to strike upon the required placing for the missing `.
      Anyone know how to fix?


PS: The subject line in the original email got mangled by my VPS’s copy of 
mutt, so I’ve fixed it this time around.  Apologies if this breaks your 

     __                 __     __
    / /_____  _______ _/ /__ _/ /____ _  __
   /  '_/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ __/ _ \ |/ /    Raconteur, Mostly
  /_/\_\\___/_/  \_,_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/___/     <http://koralatov.com/>

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