On Thu, 28 Mar 2019, at 13:32, Max Görner wrote:
> Could some readers of this list please share their opinion/experiences with
> me?

As someone who is only using mutt's threaded view, it's terrific and achieves 
exactly the behaviour I want from a mail client. mutt's way of displaying 
threads -- at least with Unicode characters -- also looks very tidy. 
Collapsing, splitting, merging threads is also a very convenient feature to 
have, especially in cases where the conversation partner or software breaks 
threading by applying worst practices on every occasion.

An issue is that when using multiple email clients, online IMAP must be used 
for all mailboxes (which I don't like -- I like to only pull IMAP to my local 
machine, which is the authoritative copy, and not push; also, I don't sync IMAP 
deletions from the server) OR you could just do it like I do, I BCC all 
outgoing emails to myself so I can have the same consistent inbox view from 

Multiple clients in my case means: mutt at home with isync (pull only), webmail 
from everywhere else.

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