On 7 Apr 2024 18:23 +0200, from anton.sharo...@gmail.com (Anton Sharonov):
>>> For example Message-Id: <43265...@example.com> consisting of random
>>> digits and domain name
>> There's a good reason for that; it help to ensure uniqueness, which prevents
>> problems with threading.  By limiting itself to only digits, Yandex's IDs are
>> much more likely to collide.
> Hm, not sure about that... Given that string is long enough,
> random string which consists only out of digits can perhaps
> compete with (much shorter) random string of alpha-numeric
> characters - in terms of uniqueness probability?

Sure; assuming a Base64 charset, each character encodes log_2(64) = 6
bits; for decimal digits, each character encodes log_2(10) ~ 3.3 bits.

Eight decimal digits encode only about 26 bits; eight Base64
characters encode 48 bits. (To encode 48 bits using only decimal
digits you need at least 15 digits.) So the decimal digits case has a
very much non-trivial chance of a random collision within a fixed
domain name in 8 characters, whereas the Base64 case is significantly
less likely to have collisions within the same number of characters;
in both cases assuming that the part before the @ is assigned at
random. Look up the "birthday paradox".

The value of the Message-ID header is required by RFC 5322 to be
unique. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5322.html#section-3.6.4 That
has been the case since RFC 822 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc822
(section 4.6.1, page 23). RFC 5322 puts the uniqueness of the message
ID as a "MUST" level requirement, even going so far as to state that
_twice_ within two consecutive sentences. _How you guarantee that
uniqueness_ is up to you, but not following that requirement _is_
going to cause a variety of issues, quite possibly up to and including
messages not being delivered properly. Violate that requirement at
your own peril.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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