This is a status update on the planned MyPaint 0.9 brushset changes.

- We now have two artist brush sets that are ready to ship, "Deevad"
and "Ramòn". This is enough, but if you are interested we can accept
another one. Tone, Ico-dY, Tanda?
It would have to follow the guidelines given in the previous email
(especially the number of brushes).

- We still need a bit of help in redesigning some icons for the
non-artist brush sets
The biggest problem is the tilt brushes (currently in the "Tilt"
group). These need better icons, so that is is clear that these use
tilt. Simply adding some text saying "tilt" might be enough.

Enrico/Ico-dY; I seem to have missed you in the first email, sorry.
The original email is included underneath so you can see what we are

If there are any questions or comments, remember to use "reply to all".

Regards Jon Nordby -

On 12 September 2010 22:07, Jon Nordby <> wrote:
> Hi dear MyPaint brush set contributors!
> We (the developers) are working on finalizing MyPaint 0.9, and we hope
> to finish that release within a month or two. In addition to the
> software changes (features, bugfixes, et.c.), we want to make some
> changes to the brush set to make MyPaint more usable.
> Here is some of the things we have done so far with respect to brushes:
>  - Implemented brush import/export
>  - Implemented loading of last used brush and brushgroup on startup
>  - Remove the "default" group
>  - Make David Revoy's brush set ("Deevad") the default one for first startup
> And here is what we want your help to do:
>  - Make each brush group contain 25-35 brushes
> This is to keep the number of brushes down, and to let the user be
> able to see and keep track of all brushes in a group easily.
> We are hoping that the artists that has contributed a brush set (thats
> you!) can make an updated brush set that contains their 25-35 favorite
> brushes, and set it to us within the next couple of weeks.
> If you do not think you have time to do this, please let us know.
> - Improve the brush icons of the non-artist brush sets
> Good brush icons communicate to the user what type of brush it
> represents, how the brush looks and can be used. It is also good if
> they look nice, of course :) If you want to help us create such icons
> for the non-artist brush sets, let us know.
> We are also interested in handing over the maintainer-ship of the
> default brush collection.
> That means being responsible for updating the collection when artists
> update their sets, choosing which new brushes/sets should go in, which
> ones to remove, adjusting the guidelines for the brush collection,
> improving brush icons that need it, et.c.
> If anyone is interested in this, please speak up.
> Remember to use "reply to all" when replying to this email.
> --
> Regards Jon Nordby -

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