On 6 October 2013 21:09, José Américo Gobbo <jag.rabi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've did the test on new box with ubuntu gnome 13.10 devel, the git version
> is 1.1.0+git8cbd0ad
> I've synchronized yesterday with the MyPaint Git Master.
> While the test ran on terminal many errors have occurred because didn't find
> the 'Mypaint_Default.gpl' on /palettes.
> But the palette name and /palettes folder were OK.

Yes, I just ran the test myself and it was broken. Quick hack is to
change "palettes" to "../palettes" in gui/colors/adjbases.py

> I'm interested to do this tests with two releases... the 1.1 Mypaint PPa and
> the last Git Master.
> For me seems that the last git master have delays in the brush strokes if I
> compare with 1.1 Mypaint PPa.
> The idea is to make tests in different distros with the same Mypaint
> releases.
> I've ubuntu gnome 13.10, elementary OS 0.2 and linuxmint 15 kde.

Yes, current git master have delays in brush strokes. See discussion

Unfortunately the GUI perf tests do not pick up this regression.
Probably either cause they do not inject the input events high enough
in the stack, because they don't measure latency, or another weakness
in the test.

Jon Nordby - www.jonnor.com

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