Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 8.0.10 is the first release candidate of MySQL
Connector/Net to add support for the new X DevAPI. The X DevAPI enables
application developers to write code that combines the strengths of the
relational and document models using a modern, NoSQL-like syntax that
does not assume previous experience writing traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more
information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/Net, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version
5.7.12 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation
about how to get started using MySQL as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/Net 8.0.10-rc, see the "Development
Releases" tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 8.0.10 (2018-01-30, Release Candidate)

   Functionality Added or Changed

     * The .NET Core 2.0 implementation now supports the
       following connection-string options: AutoEnlist,
       InteractiveSession, Logging, Replication, and
       UseUsageAdvisor. For more information about the options,
       see Connector/Net Connection-String Options Reference
       (Bug #27297337)

     * X DevAPI: In the process of refining the definition of
       the X DevAPI to cover the most relevant usage scenarios,
       the following API components have been removed from the X
       DevAPI implementation for MySQL Connector/Net:

          + API components that support session configurations
            The MySqlX.XDevAPI.Config namespace and all members
            of the namespace.

          + API components that support views
            CreateView(), DropView(), and ModifyView() methods
            from the MySqlX.XDevAPI.Schema class.
            ViewAlgorithm, ViewSqlSecurityEnum, and
            ViewCheckOptionEnum enumerations from the
            MySqlX.DataAccess namespace.
            The Table.IsView property remains available for
            query operations.

     * Support for .NET Core 2.0 and .NET Standard 2.0 has been
       added (.NET Core 1.1 support continues). With .NET Core
       2.0, most of the common ADO.NET classes are available for
       use, such as:

          + System.Data.DataTable, System.Data.DataColumn, and

          + System.Data.DataSet

          + System.Data.Common.DataAdapter

     * Support for Entity Framework Core 2.0 has been added
       (Entity Framework 1.1 support continues). Currently, the
       MySQL Connector/Net implementation excludes the following
       2.0 features:

          + Modeling: table splitting, owned types, model-level
            query filters, database scalar function mapping,
            self-contained type configuration for code first.

          + High performance: DbContext pooling and explicitly
            compiled queries.

          + Change tracking: attach can track a graph of new and
            existing entities.

          + Query: improved LINQ translation, group-join
            improvements, string interpolation in FromSql and
            ExecuteSqlCommand, new EF.Functions.Like().

          + Database management: pluralization hook for
            DbContext scaffolding.

          + Others: only one provider per model, consolidated
            logging and diagnostics.

     * X DevAPI: MySQL Connector/Net now supports setting and
       releasing named transaction savepoints, which can be
       assigned a name explicitly or by default using the
       savepoint_(uuid) format. In addition, a transaction can
       be rolled back to a named savepoint.
       New methods were added to the MySqlX.XDevAPI.BaseSession
       class to implement corresponding SQL statements using the
       X Protocol:

          + SetSavepoint() and SetSavepoint(name) correspond to
            the SAVEPOINT statement.

          + ReleaseSavepoint() corresponds to the RELEASE
            SAVEPOINT statement.

          + RollbackTo() corresponds to the ROLLBACK TO
       All errors generated by MySQL when one of the new methods
       is called will be returned by MySQL Connector/Net.

     * X DevAPI: The MySqlX.XDevAPI.CRUD.ModifyStatement.Patch
       method was added to enable the inclusion of JSON-like
       objects within Collection.Modify() operations that
       describe the changes to apply to all documents matching
       the condition.

     * Support for the caching_sha2_password authentication
       plugin through the classic MySQL protocol was added.
       Support through the X Protocol is limited to secure
       connections only (sslmode=required). Caching SHA-2
       pluggable authentication offers faster authentication
       than basic SHA-256 authentication.
       A new and related connection option,
       AllowPublicKeyRetrieval, was also added.

     * X DevAPI: The MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection.CreateIndex
       method implementation was modified to enable the
       inclusion of a JSON document that defines the index to be
       created. Index-definition details can include the fields
       affected, data types, and so on.

   Bugs Fixed

     * X DevAPI: When the PLAIN authentication option was used
       to make a secure connection, the database name was
       excluded from the authenticating data and the database
       value was not set. PLAIN authentication is the default
       option for connections made with TLS or Unix Sockets.
       (Bug #27098974, Bug #88427)

     * Boolean values within a JSON document were improperly
       stored as strings. (Bug #26837112)

     * Invoking the
       method with valid arguments, including
       additionalUserAttributes as an object with key/value
       pairs, returned an out-of-range exception. Thanks to
       Stein Setvik for contributing to the fix. (Bug #25046364)

     * The default character set and encoding were not set
       properly when making a connection to MySQL 5.6 and 5.7
       servers configured to use the utf8 character set. (Bug

     * SSL connections made to a single MySQL instance could not
       be disconnected and created repeatedly without restarting
       the client application to clear the half-open sockets.
       (Bug #20393654, Bug #75022)

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Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team
Gipson Pulla

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