Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release
of MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.8.

This is a maintenance release for 1.2.x. It can be used for
production environments.

MySQL for Visual Studio is a product that includes all of the
Visual Studio integration functionality to create and manage
MySQL databases when developing .NET applications.

MySQL for Visual Studio is installed using the MySQL Installer
for Windows which comes in 2 versions:
   * Full (386.6 MB) which includes a complete set of MySQL products
     with their binaries included in the downloaded bundle.
   * Web (1.7 MB - a network install) which will just pull MySQL
     for Visual Studio over the web and install it when run.

You can download MySQL Installer from our official Downloads page at

MySQL for Visual Studio can also be downloaded by using the product
standalone installer found at

Changes in MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.8 (2018-05-04, General

     * Functionality Added or Changed

     * Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

     * When Microsoft Visual Studio receives a request to
       register (or unregister) MySQL for Visual Studio within
       the IDE during the installation, Visual Studio might not
       execute the command properly if the host is running
       Windows 7. This fix identifies when Visual Studio does
       not register MySQL for Visual Studio as requested and
       then provides an alert to perform the registration
       manually from the Developer Command Prompt for Visual
       Studio using the following command:

devenv /updateconfiguration /log

       (Bug #27365261, Bug #87902)

     * MySQL for Visual Studio now supports the MySQL 8.0
       release series (requires Connector/Net 6.9.12, 6.10.7, or
       8.0.11) including:

          + MySQL data dictionary, which uses INFORMATION_SCHEMA
            tables rather than tables in the mysql database (see
            MySQL Data Dictionary

          + The caching_sha2_password authentication plugin
            introduced in MySQL 8.0 (see Caching SHA-2 Pluggable
          In addition, MySQL for Visual Studio now requires that
          .NET Framework 4.5.2 (or later) be installed for use
          within Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013.

Bugs Fixed

     * The Website Configuration Tool was unable to add an
       ADO.NET entity data model to an ADO.NET web application
       successfully. In addition to aligning the web.config file
       with the installed version of Connector/Net, this fix
       also disables the Entity Framework 5 selection when the
       installed connector no longer includes a provider for EF5
       (Connector/Net 6.10 and higher). (Bug #27593219)

     * Queries made with a valid MySQL connection received no
       response from the server. (Bug #27584991)

     * When the MySQL for Visual Studio parser was unable to
       parse an SQL statement, it generated an unhandled
       exception that caused Visual Studio to exit unexpectedly.
       This fix enables the parser to handle exceptions properly
       and updates the parser to include support for CREATE USER
       syntax in the MySQL 8.0 release series. (Bug #27580303)

     * The version for the MySql.Web assembly was incorrectly
       extracted, which prevented the assembly from loading
       properly and the MySQL Website Configuration Tool from
       launching. (Bug #27450530)

     * Attempting to open the MySQL Web Configuration Tool, with
       MySQL Connector/Net and MySQL for Visual Studio
       prerequisites installed properly, displayed an error
       message instead of opening the tool. (Bug #27365141, Bug

On Behalf of MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Surabhi Bhat

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