   I have a table, like this:
     pigId      day                weigt
      pig1      2018-1-1        21
      pig2      2018-1-1        31
      pig3      2018-1-1        41
      pig1      2018-1-2        22
      pig2      2018-1-2        31
      pig3      2018-1-2        40
      pig1      2018-1-3        23      pig2      2018-1-3        30
      pig3      2018-1-3        41

   only the pig1'weight increase continuously for 3 days.   Giving the input: 
num_of_day(weight increasing continuously for num_of_day);   expecting the 
output: certain_day, pigId;    from certain_day,  pigId'weight increasing 
continuously for num_of_day.      How to select the records in one sql 

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